Region Selector Plugin

I’ve been needing to select parts within 3d regions, but I haven’t found any existing tools to do so. Most of the time such a tool would make things a ton easier: I’m working in a cluttered space with ungrouped models and need to select in a small area, so the screen-space selector won’t cut it.

Step 1: Make a part to use as your region

Step 2: Press “Select Inside” or “Select Touched”

Select Inside:

Select Touched:

Bonus features:

  • Supports rotated regions
  • Supports selecting with multiple regions at once
  • When selecting from multiple regions is taking too long, it will wait to make sure you can cancel it
  • If you press either Select button while it is still working, it will cancel existing work.

Thanks to @EgoMoose for the RotatedRegion3 module that this uses. :smile:

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Nice plugin! Interesting enough I coded a very similar tool that does this last week because I needed to group specific parts in different blocks of my city. Never thought to make it a plugin though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the plugin! It makes it really easy to set up rigs for the models my team makes, since they tend to consist of several meshes per limb.

If anybody uses Building Tools by F3X, it’s worth noting that you can also select parts inside the currently selected parts by pressing Shift K :yum: This should work with any shape :package:

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