I’m probably doing something wrong, but I’m using these bounds to create a region3:
and you can see the outcome in the picture as well, what’s going on? Why isn’t it creating the region properly?
Can you clarify what exactly you are trying to do?
Region3s aren’t visible in the workspace, so unless you have code that takes the properties of the Region3, and transfers them to a part, you can’t see them.
I’m setting a part’s CFrame and size equal to the Region’s.
What part is this exactly? What is the point of your script? Can you be more specific?
It’s just there as a visual. I’m trying to detect parts in a Region3.
What exactly is your problem? The post you created doesn’t provide any information about what your issue actually is, as the images don’t do much without an explanation of the problem.
Im using the Green and Red brick positions as the bounds for a region3. The region being created doesn’t seem to match the bounds that I’m using.
What you could do is sort them out.
local greenpart = workspace.GreenPart.Position
local redpart = workspace.RedPart.Position
local minvec = Vector3.new(math.min(greenPart.X,redpart.X),math.min(greenPart.Y,redpart.Y),math.min(greenPart.Z,redpart.Z))
local maxvec = Vector3.new(math.max(greenPart.X,redpart.X),math.max(greenPart.Y,redpart.Y),math.max(greenPart.Z,redpart.Z))
and use these as the vector3’s in the region3.