Regional Bus Company Assignment Information

Regional Bus Company Assignment Information

Here at Regional, we assign you your very own bus to drive if you are a Bus Driver+. In BD Edition, you will have your bus assignment in your garage, and nobody else will be able to spawn it!

Community members love having their very own vehicle assigned to them, and its also for organization and a way to track our drivers. If there are 30 different buses at a Route Session, we need to know what driver is in what bus, so when we see a bus pass by and when we catch the number on the side of it, we know who the operator is. Your bus number will be your second identity!

Assignment Benefits
  • Having the ability to decorate, customize, and make your bus meet your expectations
  • Having your very own vehicle within our company that only you will be able to spawn
  • Having a number assigned to your name, when one hears your bus number, they know its YOU!
  • Being able to show off your bus to other members, especially if its a premium!
  • Rarity advantage! Unfortunately we don’t have enough buses to give everyone their own.

Standard vs. Premium


Standard Assignments are buses 861-1011. These buses are NOT Regional premium buses, meaning these buses are older and they don’t have the exclusive features our new buses have, that’s why its a smaller fee. These buses can be driven by anyone in the public game, Upstate Region, New York. Buses come with all regular in game features that anyone has access to.


Premium Assignments are buses 1015-1128. These buses are REGIONAL PREMIUM BUSES, meaning they are newer model years and have exclusive realistic features that no other buses in game have. These buses are not public, which means nobody else can spawn them unless you own the gamepass.

Since these buses are the newest in the fleet (2018-2023), they come with an assortment of State-Of-The-Art features, making these some of the realistic buses on the platform

  • Functioning Student Windows
  • Functioning Driver Window
  • Functioning Dashboard
  • Functioning Dashboard Lights/Screen
  • Functioning Heaters
  • Functioning Hood
  • Functioning CC Bus Alarm
  • Functioning Student Seats
  • Functioning Breakdown System (Ability for Engine Service light to appear on, bus breaks down)
  • Functioning Backup Camera (ONLY ON BUSES 1043-1057)

IC CEs come with our Bendix Wingman System, Safety Control Device that alerts the driver when they are over the speed limit, alarm sounds if ignored not reduced. Safety message displays

Having a Premium Bus leaves you with a higher bus number, since its a newer vehicle. This means you can show your bus off!

Being assigned your own bus is a rarity. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to experience the fun of having your very own bus number. We only have so many buses in the fleet.

Terms and Conditions

Before obtaining your Assignment, please take the time to view our Terms to being assigned a bus within the company

2024 Terms and Contions
  • Bus Driver+ role within company

  • Active community member

  • Ability to join hosted Route Sessions

  • Clean Moderation History

  • User must remain active, publish screenshot of vehicle at least once per week

  • User must attend Route, at least once per nine days



Due to the rarity of having your own assigned vehicle, a Robux fee is in place to ensure the users who have their own assigned bus will actively use and appreciate it. Your assignment support staff member will now proceed to payment as you agree and review our Terms.