Regional lighting part affecting multiple clients

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    a part that changes the lighting settings for one player at a time

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    Once the part is touched by a player, every player experiences the lighting change.

Example: (the left is supposed to be dark)

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

Ive tried:
Putting the script in playerstarterscripts,
Putting the script in characterstarterscripts,
putting the script in startergui,
Using remote events (i probably messed up here),
Looking on the devforum
and making it a serverscript,

the code used

local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local atmos = game.Lighting.Atmosphere
local bloom =
local sky = game.Lighting.Sky
local field = game.Lighting.DepthOfField
local correction = game.Lighting.ColorCorrection

	bloom.Intensity = 1
	bloom.Size = 10
	bloom.Threshold = 1.056
	atmos.Density = 0
	atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(168, 31, 31)
	atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(213, 151, 52)
	atmos.Glare = 0
	atmos.Haze = 0
	lighting.EnvironmentDiffuseScale = 0.259
	lighting.EnvironmentSpecularScale = 1
	lighting.Brightness = 4
	lighting.GeographicLatitude = 0
	lighting.ClockTime = 15.6
	lighting.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(232, 33, 7)
	lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(131, 76, 13)

	sky.SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://653719502"
	sky.SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://653718790"
	sky.SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://653719067"
	sky.SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://653719190"
	sky.SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://653718931"
	sky.SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://653719321"
	sky.SunAngularSize = 25
	field.FarIntensity = 1
	field.FocusDistance = 200
	field.InFocusRadius = 50
	field.NearIntensity = 0.016
	correction.Enabled = true

(i am not good at coding at all) :sad:
(im also having issues with every player experiencing FOV changes, and GUI changes
all at once)

Question, do you have Atmosphere in your Lighting?

Assuming you do, You can change ExposureCompensation in the lighting (This is only if you have Atmosphere). which will then make it darker.

Another thing you can do is add a Gui into the screen and make it Cover the said screen, you can set its transparency in the script.

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Yes, but its supposed to look like this :

and not like this:

This can be your issue

lighting.ClockTime = 15.6

Edit: dont work, i dumb