Regular promotions applications


I’ve been on the DevForums for about 6 months, so I may not be as able to explain things as well for a year or so.

A huge amount of people are starting to try to get regular promotions back, because the size of regulars aren’t increasing, just decreasing as Developers move on. I may be wrong, don’t know.

What I think we need is just to make a temporary application process. Before you yell at me explaining we don’t have enough people to handle all members applying, just keep reading.

Make a requirement to them like needing 12hr recent read time, been a member for 6 months, clear spam history or something. I don’t know.
I have heard people say it’s coming back, but who knows how long that will be.

If we just made this temporary process to get people who actually deserve regular, not only will it make it so much easier for everyone, much more bugs will be reported and some people may even give really good ideas.


That’s where i mentioned that they were going to add it, just they never said when. We could be waiting for a whole year.

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They’re definitely doing something for Regular.

Estimated time of it being published? Nobody has an idea.

I definitely think it should be Invite-only, never should be a specific set amount of achievements you have to reach to get the Trust level.

Unlike Member and Visitor, Regulars are looked up to much more and held to a really high standard. Should stay that way.

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Invite only would just target developers who games earn them money, or will give them to kids. It’s a bad idea to do that.

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This is the Developers’ Forum after-all, if you’re a very successful and professional Developer then yes you should get the Regular rank.

Putting it the way you put it just makes it seem like a bad thing.

People who do real hard work and succeed real good with it, should be compensated real well.

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I dont think it should be locked to successful devs, it should be given to people who use this forum properly and responsibly.


That’s a definition of a well-mannered, and successful developer.

Somebody who, as you said, “uses this forum properly”. That meaning helping out others a lot, and contributing to this forum a ton.

That comes with a lot of experience within Developing. Same thing I said, so we agree.


oh by successful devs i thought you meant like top 50 devs or something. My mistake.


That doesn’t fix things such as #feature-requests

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This is a specific proposed solution. Feature requests should be about problems, not about proposed solutions.

This is also a near-duplicate of: Reopen Member To Regular Promotions Please!