Release Notes for 323

Notes for release 323


ooohhh light influences on trails and beams are gonna be EPIC when the update is done pending


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Property Beam.LightInfluence
Added Property Trail.LightInfluence
Added Function AdService.ShowVideoAd
Added Function Stats.GetTotalUsedMemory
Added Event AdService.VideoAdClosed
Changed the ValueType of Property DataModel.CreatorId to int64
Changed the ValueType of Property DataModel.GameId to int64
Changed the ValueType of Property Player.CharacterAppearanceId to int64
Changed the ValueType of Property Player.FollowUserId to int64
Changed the ValueType of Property Player.UserId to int64
Changed the ValueType of Property Player.userId to int64
Changed the arguments of Function Plugin.CreatePluginGui
	 from  ( string pluginGuiId )
	 to  ( string pluginGuiName,bool restoreEnabledState,bool initialEnabledState )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Chat.CanUserChatAsync
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Chat.CanUsersChatAsync
	 from  ( int userIdFrom, int userIdTo )
	 to  ( int64 userIdFrom,int64 userIdTo )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.GetRankInGroup
	 from  ( int groupId )
	 to  ( int64 groupId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.GetRoleInGroup
	 from  ( int groupId )
	 to  ( int64 groupId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.IsBestFriendsWith
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.IsFriendsWith
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.IsInGroup
	 from  ( int groupId )
	 to  ( int64 groupId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Player.isFriendsWith
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Players.GetFriendsAsync
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Players.GetNameFromUserIdAsync
	 from  ( int userId )
	 to  ( int64 userId )
Changed the ReturnType of YieldFunction Players.GetUserIdFromNameAsync to int64
Changed the arguments of YieldFunction Players.GetUserThumbnailAsync
	 from  ( int userId, ThumbnailType thumbnailType, ThumbnailSize thumbnailSize )
	 to  ( int64 userId, ThumbnailType thumbnailType, ThumbnailSize thumbnailSize )


AdService added once again?

I believe this was because it was a game breaking change, it will probably throw a warning or be removed after a period of time.

1 Like

Oh. Yeah, this could be true.

Woo, my bug report got somewhere!


Ads are coming back?!

Consider reading the previous posts when responding to a thread, woot3 gave the reason above. They deleted the API but some games were still making references to it even though it did nothing, and this led to scripts throwing errors and breaking.

Sad :frowning:

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