Release Notes for 334

Notes for release 334


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Property UserGameSettings.MicroProfilerEnabled
Added Property UserGameSettings.MicroProfilerWebServerIP
Added Property UserGameSettings.MicroProfilerWebServerPort
Added 'hidden' tag to Property UserGameSettings.PerformanceStatsVisible
Added Property UserInputService.LegacyInputEventsEnabled
Added Function RunService.IsEdit
Added EnumItem AppShellActionType.GamePageLoaded
Added EnumItem AppShellActionType.HomePageLoaded
Added EnumItem AppShellActionType.TapGamePageTab
Added EnumItem AppShellActionType.TapHomePageTab
Changed the ValueType of Property UIPageLayout.CurrentPage to GuiObject
Removed Property NetworkSettings.CanSendPacketBufferLimit
Removed Property NetworkSettings.EnableHeavyCompression
Removed Property NetworkSettings.IsThrottledByCongestionControl
Removed Property NetworkSettings.IsThrottledByOutgoingBandwidthLimit
Removed Property NetworkSettings.MaxDataModelSendBuffer
Removed Property NetworkSettings.PhysicsReceive
Removed Property NetworkSettings.PhysicsSend
Removed Property NetworkSettings.ReportStatURL
Removed Property NetworkSettings.SendPacketBufferLimit
Removed Property NetworkSettings.WaitingForCharacterLogRate
Removed Enum PacketReliability
	Removed EnumItem PacketReliability.UNRELIABLE
	Removed EnumItem PacketReliability.UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED
	Removed EnumItem PacketReliability.RELIABLE
	Removed EnumItem PacketReliability.RELIABLE_ORDERED
	Removed EnumItem PacketReliability.RELIABLE_SEQUENCED
Removed Enum PhysicsReceiveMethod
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsReceiveMethod.Direct
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsReceiveMethod.Interpolation
Removed Enum PhysicsSendMethod
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsSendMethod.ErrorComputation
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsSendMethod.ErrorComputation2
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsSendMethod.RoundRobin
	Removed EnumItem PhysicsSendMethod.TopNErrors

That was fast. I feel like you two were planning this all along…

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Should help Jailbreak trains

Updates with jailbreak in mind lol

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Got my hopes up for a second until I saw the Removed-tag.:sob:
PacketReliability-property for RemoteEvents when?

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Does this break r6 lava bricks, teleports, and path givers? I hope not, I love playing old obbies

I don’t know why this change is only showing up now. It’s been around for at least a year or two.

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Not sure if you actually understand what it was used for. It wouldn’t just magically give your RemoteEvents more power.

“Local Simulation on parts you don’t know that are constrained to Anchored bodies or Terrain will become blocked to prevent Interpolation from fighting the Simulation. (Should fix some issues with Jailbreak Trains, and Cube Controller worlds)”


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Obviously it was just used internally but there is always hope that one day we are given more control over our RemoteEvents enabling us to write better performing netcode.

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Oopsie. Love these changes, especially Close Other Scripts. Should make my developing experience more friendly.

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They are staff and intern, all they has to do is holler over to each other.


They’re just deprecated, not removed.

Roblox rarely removes functions, and when they do, it’s normally evaluated (regarding how many inactively updated games will be affected negatively).

Someday, someday I will beat him to it.


“MicroProfiler can be turn on/off from Settings in game for Android and iOS. And with the ip and port provided by turning it on, the developer can gain access to micro profiler using a web browser like Chrome to see the frame data.”

I can’t wait to mess around with this. :smiley:


Hadn’t spotted that one! Time to get in-game.

It’s not enabled yet, sadly. :confused:

Lets hope it’s not one of those feature which end up never getting enabled. Some of the updates from last year have still not been enabled.


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