Release Notes for 338

Notes for release 338


You can now export the entire Roblox Lua scripting API in convenient JSON format from the File->Advanced menu.

We have to do it manually?

It can be exported through the command line as well -API api.txt


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class KeyboardService
Added Class MouseService
Added Class PluginAction
	Added Property PluginAction.ActionId
	Added Property PluginAction.StatusTip
	Added Property PluginAction.Text
Added Event PluginAction.Triggered
Added Property Player.LocaleId
Added Property StarterGui.ProcessUserInput
Added Function Plugin.CreatePluginAction
Added Event PluginGui.WindowFocusReleased
Added Event PluginGui.WindowFocused
Removed Function Player.JumpCharacter
Removed Function Player.MoveCharacter

This is the new Json API Dump for anyone wondering.

Unfortunately it’s not going to be enabled right away because we discovered a serious issue that is making it export duplicate inherited functions. It is currently writing functions like GetChildren for every single class. It raises the line count from 50k up to around 200k.


I also noticed there seems to be something off with the NotBrowsable tag.

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I’m interested in killing that tag off anyway.


I looked into the issue, we just inverted the state that was determining if it should be added by accident. I will get that fixed.

The “pending” images get replaced by “live” when they actually go live, correct? So, if the changelog for 330 still has pending images, that means those haven’t been implemented yet?


There are still a few kinks we’re working out with the system.

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Well uhm… have they?

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