Added a property to the ScreenGui which allows developers to ignore the inset from the top bar.
So no more -35 offset ???
Added a property to the ScreenGui which allows developers to ignore the inset from the top bar.
So no more -35 offset ???
Yeah it definitely wasn’t intended.
We don’t want people adding tags to these classes because they are stored locally, and there’s no arbitrary limit (afaik) to how many tags you can serialize into an object.
Correct. It’s actually -36, but that’s close enough
There is probably 1 person who was planning to flood either the memory or storage of a low end device like a 16 GB iPhone 5S. Good to see this “hack” is no longer a possible “hack” as unreliable as it would be with Studio open.
I assume Humanoid:GetBodyPartR15 and Humanoid:ReplaceBodyPartR15 are some of the first steps into the new avatar customization stuff on the roadmap?
These functions were added to make it easier to replace R15 limbs.
The Humanoid is very picky about limbs being switched out during run-time, especially with the neck joint.
YAY, PROPERTY ICONS! Are there icons for more properties than Terrain colors, or just those for now?
Weird, I always kinda liked that little message. Oh well.
Edit: On a Side note, thanks for all the quality of life updates, didn’t mean to sound disappointed there.
Just for these.
All of these updates are amazing.
Woah, there’s some really cool additions in this one!
This issue wasted five hours of my life once and I’m glad it’s fixed, because it’s directly in the way of my workflow.
Now that we have more humanoid options and such - can we have an option to make it so the Humanoid’s body parts aren’t forcefully set to cancollide true / false?
Why? I preferred having this in my output.
Also, is this purple text being removed?
I really like knowing when it auto-saves.
Added a property to the ScreenGui which allows developers to ignore the inset from the top bar.
Is this a step towards removing the terrible dual coordinate system entirely?
I believe one of the particular use cases that this was made for is teleport screens. During teleports, the topbar goes away and reappears later, which changes the inset of ScreenGuis. By turning this off, you would get consistent positioning of your UI elements on your teleport screens.