Release Notes for 353

Notes for release 353


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Function DataType<Objects> InsertService:LoadPackageAsset(DataType<Content> url) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Enum HttpCachePolicy
	Added EnumItem HttpCachePolicy.None : 0
	Added EnumItem HttpCachePolicy.Full : 1
	Added EnumItem HttpCachePolicy.DataOnly : 2
	Added EnumItem HttpCachePolicy.Default : 3
	Added EnumItem HttpCachePolicy.InternalRedirectRefresh : 4

Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerCurrentLine : 56
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerErrorLine : 57
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Mid : 29

Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.BrightText from 32 to 33
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathText from 55 to 58
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNum from 64 to 67
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumAdditionBackground from 67 to 70
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumDeletionBackground from 68 to 71
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumNoChangeBackground from 66 to 69
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumSeparatorBackground from 65 to 68
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAddition from 58 to 61
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAdditionBackground from 62 to 65
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletion from 59 to 62
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletionBackground from 63 to 66
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextHunkInfo from 56 to 59
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChange from 57 to 60
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChangeBackground from 61 to 64
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextSeparatorBackground from 60 to 63
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DimmedText from 33 to 34
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ErrorText from 36 to 37
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoText from 37 to 38
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.LinkText from 34 to 35
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.MainText from 29 to 30
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBackground from 40 to 41
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBuiltInFunction from 52 to 53
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptComment from 49 to 50
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptError from 54 to 55
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFindSelectionBackground from 44 to 45
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptKeyword from 51 to 52
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptMatchingWordSelectionBackground from 45 to 46
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptNumber from 47 to 48
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptOperator from 46 to 47
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptPreprocessor from 50 to 51
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelectionBackground from 43 to 44
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelectionText from 42 to 43
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSideWidget from 39 to 40
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptString from 48 to 49
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptText from 41 to 42
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptWarning from 53 to 54
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.SensitiveText from 38 to 39
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.SubText from 30 to 31
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.TitlebarText from 31 to 32
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.WarningText from 35 to 36

Changed the value type of Property PackageLink.PackageId from int to DataType<Content>
Changed the value type of Property PackageLink.VersionId from int to int64
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Haven’t thought about putting sounds in attachments until I read this. Wonder if there’s anything cool you can do with that :yum:.

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Most objects that can be parented to Parts to inherit their position can also be parented to Attachments as long as the Attachments are parented to Parts. This includes sounds, lights, BillboardGui objects (not SurfaceGui for obvious reasons) and probably something else I’m forgetting.


ParticleEmitters work too :slight_smile:!


Every time I see something about the packages feature I get excited:


Any idea when this feature will release for beta/officially?


”Soon (TM)” (probably)

In all seriousness, it appears to be in the prototype stages, and experiments are being done with them using some of the built-in plugins.

Once they are happy with how it works, then it’ll go public. For now I would consider it a preliminary look.


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