Release Notes for 367

Notes for Release 367


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class MessagingService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function void MessagingService:PublishAsync(string topic, Variant message) [Yields]
	Added Function RBXScriptConnection MessagingService:SubscribeAsync(string topic, Function callback) [Yields]

Added Property Color3 Clothing.Color3
Added Property Color3 ShirtGraphic.Color3
Added Property bool NetworkSettings.ProxyEnabled
Added Property string NetworkSettings.ProxyURL
Added Property bool NotificationService.IsLuaBottomBarEnabled {RobloxScriptSecurity} [ReadOnly] [NotReplicated]
Added Property bool Studio.Split Meshes
Added Property Color3 ViewportFrame.ImageColor3
Added Property float ViewportFrame.ImageTransparency

Changed the ClassName of Class Button
    from: "Button"
      to: "PluginToolbarButton"

Changed the ClassName of Class Toolbar
    from: "Toolbar"
      to: "PluginToolbar"
Removed Class InstancePacketCache

Removed Property bool NetworkSettings.UseInstancePacketCache

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Looks like a really simple but powerful API. If it is paired with a high throttle limit (i.e. MUCH higher than DataStores), I can see a lot of cool uses for it.


That MessagingService thing looks fancy. What’s it about? I’ve seen brief discussion about it and apparently its intended to communicate between servers? No more OnUpdate from DataStores, just use this for cross-sever functionality? I’m really looking forward to understanding and using this one.

What exactly is the point of the Color3 value applications to Clothing and ShirtGraphic?


This is exactly what I thought first. Very exciting if it can be used for this.

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I like the sound of this :eyes:


Ideally, OnUpdate should also be fixed. Problem is I can’t think of a use case that requires cross-server communication AND it to be stored.
If you have a use case, please post here: OnUpdate Not Being Fired Cross Server Until GetAsync Used

The main application I can think of is character customization in game. If you have some multiplayer game that relies on Shirts, and you want to have multiple colors, this means you only need 1 shirt.


Just what I’ve been waiting for.


Added Clothing.Color3 and ShirtGraphic.Color3 properties to allow Humanoid clothing to be colorized

The time has come. Exexute order color-changeable clothing


Just a heads up, I’ve made an amendment to this change list, as it appears my API Dump Tool didn’t compare the right versions when I made this post. I only just noticed some changes were missing.

These changes were available to see from the HTML version, which I had linked previously.

Added Property bool NetworkSettings.ProxyEnabled
Added Property string NetworkSettings.ProxyURL
Added Property bool NotificationService.IsLuaBottomBarEnabled {RobloxScriptSecurity} [ReadOnly] [NotReplicated]

Changed the ClassName of Class Button
    from: "Button"
      to: "PluginToolbarButton"

Changed the ClassName of Class Toolbar 
    from: "Toolbar" 
      to: "PluginToolbar"

There goes my scripts that check if a particular Instance is a (PluginToolbar)Button! Such a horrid change! …Or it would be if I had such a script. Roblox usually doesn’t do stuff like that. Makes me wonder if they have plans for a Button class in the future. :thinking:

Yeah, it was a rather abrupt change. Thankfully they are few and far between. I can’t imagine many other people are actually making calls to the Instance functions of these objects though.

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