Release Notes for 385

Notes for Release 385


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Property bool NotificationService.IsLuaBottomBarWithText {RobloxScriptSecurity} [ReadOnly] [NotReplicated]

Added Function string CoreScriptSyncService:GetScriptFilePath(Instance script) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function string Stats:GetBrowserTrackerId() {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Property DataModel.GearGenreSetting

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Enum GearType
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.MeleeWeapons
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.RangedWeapons
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.Explosives
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.PowerUps
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.NavigationEnhancers
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.MusicalInstruments
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.SocialItems
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.BuildingTools
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to EnumItem GearType.Transport

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function DataModel:IsGearTypeAllowed

Removed Property NotificationService.IsLuaGamesPageEnabled
Removed Property NotificationService.IsLuaHomePageEnabled

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)

Is gear being phased out and removed from the platform, or is this just in regards to API relating to games using catalog gear? Hoping there’s nothing to be worried about by the deprecation of some gear-related API.


what is this

is this… multi threaded physics? if so, how does it work. How does it determine what is handled by what core?

also how many threads can physics run in?

Will this allow less load on the main thread that handles lua?


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