Release Notes for 415

Notes for Release 415


Client Difference Log

API Changes

(Note: This includes the changes from 414, as they weren’t released for studio!)

Added Class VideoFrame : GuiObject
	Added Property bool VideoFrame.IsLoaded  [ReadOnly] [NotReplicated]
	Added Property bool VideoFrame.Looped
	Added Property bool VideoFrame.Playing  [NotReplicated]
	Added Property double VideoFrame.TimeLength  [ReadOnly] [NotReplicated]
	Added Property double VideoFrame.TimePosition  [NotReplicated]
	Added Property Content VideoFrame.Video
	Added Property float VideoFrame.Volume
	Added Function void VideoFrame:Pause()
	Added Function void VideoFrame:Play()
	Added Event VideoFrame.DidLoop(string video)
	Added Event VideoFrame.Ended(string video)
	Added Event VideoFrame.Loaded(string video)
	Added Event VideoFrame.Paused(string video)
	Added Event VideoFrame.Played(string video)
Added Property bool PhysicsSettings.AreTerrainReplicationRegionsShown

Added EnumItem ComputerCameraMovementMode.CameraToggle : 4
Added EnumItem DevComputerCameraMovementMode.CameraToggle : 4

Changed the parameters of Function DataModel:HttpGetAsync 
	from: (string url, Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string url, Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function DataModel:HttpPostAsync 
	from: (string url, string data, string contentType = "*/*", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string url, string data, string contentType = "*/*", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function HttpRbxApiService:GetAsync 
	from: (string apiUrlPath, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string apiUrlPath, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function HttpRbxApiService:GetAsyncFullUrl 
	from: (string apiUrl, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string apiUrl, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function HttpRbxApiService:PostAsync 
	from: (string apiUrlPath, string data, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string apiUrlPath, string data, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function HttpRbxApiService:PostAsyncFullUrl 
	from: (string apiUrl, string data, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (string apiUrl, string data, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Changed the parameters of Function HttpRbxApiService:RequestAsync 
	from: (Dictionary requestOptions, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default", bool doNotAllowDiabolicalMode = false)
	  to: (Dictionary requestOptions, Enum<ThrottlingPriority> priority = "Default", Enum<HttpContentType> content_type = "ApplicationJson", Enum<HttpRequestType> httpRequestType = "Default")

Removed Class PhysicsPacketCache

Removed Property NotificationService.IsLuaHomeWithAvatarEnabled

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Holy cow, this change is awesome!


The game I’m working with a team on has been having some trouble optimizing the memory consumption from the PhysicsPart memory category. We have a lot of large meshes in our game, so this should help a bunch :slight_smile:


Is the Video API for converting the game info page to Lua?


I would imagine that being one of its use cases. So far it only seems to support *.webm video files.


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