Release Notes for 463

Notes for Release 463


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class DataStoreInfo : Instance [NotCreatable] [NotReplicated]
	Added Property int64 DataStoreInfo.CreatedTime [ReadOnly]
	Added Property string DataStoreInfo.DataStoreName [ReadOnly]
	Added Property int64 DataStoreInfo.UpdatedTime [ReadOnly]

Added Class IXPService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function void IXPService:ClearUserLayers() {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function Enum<IXPLoadingStatus> IXPService:GetBrowserTrackerLayerLoadingStatus() {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function Dictionary IXPService:GetBrowserTrackerLayerVariables(string layerName) {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function Enum<IXPLoadingStatus> IXPService:GetUserLayerLoadingStatus() {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function Dictionary IXPService:GetUserLayerVariables(string layerName) {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function void IXPService:InitializeUserLayers(int64 userId) {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Function void IXPService:RegisterUserLayers(Variant userLayers) {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Event IXPService.OnBrowserTrackerLayerLoadingStatusChanged(Enum<IXPLoadingStatus> status) {LocalUserSecurity}
	Added Event IXPService.OnUserLayerLoadingStatusChanged(Enum<IXPLoadingStatus> status) {LocalUserSecurity}

Added Class ObjectVersionInfo : Instance [NotCreatable] [NotReplicated]
	Added Property int64 ObjectVersionInfo.CreatedTime [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool ObjectVersionInfo.IsDeleted [ReadOnly]
	Added Property string ObjectVersionInfo.Version [ReadOnly]

Added Class DataStoreEnumerationPages : Pages [NotCreatable] [NotReplicated]
Added Class DataStoreVersionPages : Pages [NotCreatable] [NotReplicated]

Added Property Enum<ParticleOrientation> ParticleEmitter.Orientation

Added Function Instance DataStore:ListVersionsAsync(string key, Enum<SortDirection> sortDirection = "Ascending", int64 minDate = 0, int64 maxDate = 0, int pageSize = 0) [Yields]
Added Function void DataStore:RemoveVersionAsync(string key, string version) [Yields]
Added Function Instance DataStoreService:ListDataStoresAsync(string prefix = "", int pageSize = 0) [Yields]

Added Enum IXPLoadingStatus
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.None : 0
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.Pending : 1
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.Initialized : 2
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.ShutOff : 3
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.ErrorInvalidUser : 4
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.ErrorConnection : 5
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.ErrorJsonParse : 6
	Added EnumItem IXPLoadingStatus.ErrorTimedOut : 7

Added Enum ParticleOrientation
	Added EnumItem ParticleOrientation.FacingCamera : 0
	Added EnumItem ParticleOrientation.FacingCameraWorldUp : 1
	Added EnumItem ParticleOrientation.VelocityParallel : 2
	Added EnumItem ParticleOrientation.VelocityPerpendicular : 3

Added Enum SortDirection
	Added EnumItem SortDirection.Ascending : 0
	Added EnumItem SortDirection.Descending : 1

Changed the parameters of Function DataStoreService:GetDataStore 
	from: (string name, string scope = "global")
	  to: (string name, string scope = "global", Instance options = nil)

Removed Function Humanoid:PlayEmoteById

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


This is quite exciting:

The second one is quite intriguing as it allows for us to easily create rain that isn’t sideways and parallel to the ground, I mean that would just be silly. The last two seem amazing to fiddle around with when the time comes, as I can’t really visualize what that may look like, but it seems as if it may allow for realistic motion effects.

Also, this seems like a really cool functionality, but I’m not exactly sure what LocalUserSecurity indicates as I haven’t seen it with other classes before. A part of me believes it’s only for Roblox to use, but then again it doesn’t have RobloxScriptSecurity either…

Edit: nevermind, it’s the command bar I believe.

Oh man, that’s the longest event name I’ve seen yet!

I think for now, I’ll stick with the joy of the particle emitter features (which I’m quite intrigued by)!


What is IXPService and IXPLoadingStatus? I am aware of what IXP is in programming and software engineering, however, the implementation to the Roblox engine is rather questioning, perhaps a response on what this will do, helpful for engineers or developers?

Anyway, I like that ParticleOrientation is out for this release, and some other functions and classes added to the engine.


If you wanna see what the new Particle Orientation does @Maximum_ADHD made a pretty cool Twitter post a while back showcasing the new feature


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