Release Notes for 473

Notes for Release 473


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class ToastNotificationService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function void ToastNotificationService:HideNotification(string notificationId) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
	Added Function void ToastNotificationService:ShowNotification(string message, string notificationId) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Property Enum<SignalBehavior> Workspace.SignalBehavior [NotScriptable]

Added Enum SignalBehavior
	Added EnumItem SignalBehavior.Default : 0
	Added EnumItem SignalBehavior.Immediate : 1
	Added EnumItem SignalBehavior.Deferred : 2

Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonDefault : 9
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonHover : 10
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonChecked : 11
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonAccent : 12
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonBorder : 13
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.FilterButtonBorderAlt : 14
Added EnumItem WrapLayerDebugMode.Rbf : 5
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetCageOriginal : 1
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetCageCompressed : 2
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetCageInterface : 3
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetLayerCageOriginal : 4
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetLayerCageCompressed : 5
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetLayerInterface : 6
Added EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.Rbf : 7

Added Tag [NotReplicated] to Property Model.WorldPivot

Changed the serialization of Property Model.WorldPivot 
	from: [<💾|📁> Saves|Loads]
	  to: [<🕒> RuntimeOnly]

Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.RibbonTab from 9 to 15
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.RibbonTabTopBar from 10 to 16
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Button from 11 to 17
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.MainButton from 12 to 18
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.RibbonButton from 13 to 19
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ViewPortBackground from 14 to 20
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InputFieldBackground from 15 to 21
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Item from 16 to 22
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.TableItem from 17 to 23
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CategoryItem from 18 to 24
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.GameSettingsTableItem from 19 to 25
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.GameSettingsTooltip from 20 to 26
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.EmulatorBar from 21 to 27
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.EmulatorDropDown from 22 to 28
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ColorPickerFrame from 23 to 29
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CurrentMarker from 24 to 30
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Border from 25 to 31
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Shadow from 26 to 32
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Light from 27 to 33
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Dark from 28 to 34
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Mid from 29 to 35
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.MainText from 30 to 36
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.SubText from 31 to 37
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.TitlebarText from 32 to 38
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.BrightText from 33 to 39
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DimmedText from 34 to 40
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.LinkText from 35 to 41
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.WarningText from 36 to 42
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ErrorText from 37 to 43
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoText from 38 to 44
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.SensitiveText from 39 to 45
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSideWidget from 40 to 46
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBackground from 41 to 47
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptText from 42 to 48
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelectionText from 43 to 49
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelectionBackground from 44 to 50
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFindSelectionBackground from 45 to 51
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptMatchingWordSelectionBackground from 46 to 52
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptOperator from 47 to 53
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptNumber from 48 to 54
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptString from 49 to 55
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptComment from 50 to 56
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptKeyword from 51 to 57
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBuiltInFunction from 52 to 58
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptWarning from 53 to 59
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptError from 54 to 60
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptWhitespace from 55 to 61
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptRuler from 56 to 62
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerCurrentLine from 57 to 63
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerErrorLine from 58 to 64
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathText from 59 to 65
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextHunkInfo from 60 to 66
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChange from 61 to 67
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAddition from 62 to 68
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletion from 63 to 69
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextSeparatorBackground from 64 to 70
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChangeBackground from 65 to 71
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAdditionBackground from 66 to 72
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletionBackground from 67 to 73
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNum from 68 to 74
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumSeparatorBackground from 69 to 75
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumNoChangeBackground from 70 to 76
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumAdditionBackground from 71 to 77
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumDeletionBackground from 72 to 78
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathBackground from 73 to 79
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathBorder from 74 to 80
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatIncomingBgColor from 75 to 81
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatIncomingTextColor from 76 to 82
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatOutgoingBgColor from 77 to 83
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatOutgoingTextColor from 78 to 84
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatModeratedMessageColor from 79 to 85
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Separator from 80 to 86
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ButtonBorder from 81 to 87
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ButtonText from 82 to 88
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InputFieldBorder from 83 to 89
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldBackground from 84 to 90
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldBorder from 85 to 91
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldIndicator from 86 to 92
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.HeaderSection from 87 to 93
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Midlight from 88 to 94
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.StatusBar from 89 to 95
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButton from 90 to 96
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButtonText from 91 to 97
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButtonBorder from 92 to 98
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogMainButton from 93 to 99
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogMainButtonText from 94 to 100
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoBarWarningBackground from 95 to 101
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoBarWarningText from 96 to 102
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptEditorCurrentLine from 97 to 103
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptMethod from 98 to 104
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptProperty from 99 to 105
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptNil from 100 to 106
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBool from 101 to 107
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFunction from 102 to 108
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptLocal from 103 to 109
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelf from 104 to 110
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptLuauKeyword from 105 to 111
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFunctionName from 106 to 112
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptTodo from 107 to 113
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBracket from 108 to 114
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.AttributeCog from 109 to 115

Removed Function SoundService:PlayStockSound

Removed EnumItem WrapTargetDebugMode.TargetCage

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Are there any chances that in the future we’ll be able to control which UIGradient takes the place of the disabled one? How does it work currently (order of creation, alphabetical, etc.)? I’d think that there’d be a new property introduced for a more streamlined priority-assignment approach to UIGradients.


This was accidentally omitted from the release notes, but since the change is going to be enabled tomorrow I want to highlight it here; this shouldn’t (hopefully) cause any issues:

Change Luau comparison behavior for tables and userdata: if __eq metamethod is present it’s always called even if the comparison is performed between the object and itself; this allows for proper NaN handling.

The current behavior is inconsistent in that sometimes __eq is called even if the objects are rawequal (e.g. when comparing Vector3 or CFrame objects with == or ~=) and sometimes it’s not (e.g. when using table.find or when the __eq is a custom function on a custom userdata/table object).

Full internal proposal for clarity:

This change would effectively implement the feature request from Call __eq even when tables are rawequal (ignore the commentary on that thread, since then we tried reverting back to the original Lua 5.1 behavior and ended up not being able to do that) per proposal above.


Curious as to what this means & how exactly it will function. Seems interesting.


This is a guess, but Immediate could mean the current behavior, where the status of a thread that fires an event is set to suspended normal until all listeners have been resolved (yields or dies). Deferred could mean that listeners are resumed some time after the invoking thread.

local thread = coroutine.running()
local signal ="BindableEvent")
	print("STATUS", coroutine.status(thread))


STATUS normal



This would this make BindableEvent:Fire(...) yield? It would make more sense for the output to be

STATUS normal

which is the current output. Fire yielding doesn’t make sense if it just resumes other threads and then returns. If it did yield, what would resume the thread so that it prints DONE anyway?

1 Like

That’s correct. I confused normal with suspended. I’ve corrected the post.


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