Release Notes for 481

Notes for Release 481


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class DraggerService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.AlignDraggedObjects [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.AngleSnapEnabled [ReadOnly]
	Added Property float DraggerService.AngleSnapIncrement [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.AnimateHover [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.CollisionsEnabled [ReadOnly]
	Added Property Enum<DraggerCoordinateSpace> DraggerService.DraggerCoordinateSpace [ReadOnly]
	Added Property Enum<DraggerMovementMode> DraggerService.DraggerMovementMode [ReadOnly]
	Added Property Color3 DraggerService.GeometrySnapColor [ReadOnly]
	Added Property float DraggerService.HoverAnimateFrequency [ReadOnly]
	Added Property float DraggerService.HoverThickness [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.JointsEnabled [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.LinearSnapEnabled [ReadOnly]
	Added Property float DraggerService.LinearSnapIncrement [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.PivotSnapToGeometry {RobloxScriptSecurity} [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.ShowHover [ReadOnly]
	Added Property bool DraggerService.ShowPivotIndicator [NotReplicated]

Added Property bool Studio.ScriptEditorShouldShowPluginMethods {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Hidden] [NotReplicated]
Added Property float Studio.Hover Box Thickness {RobloxSecurity}
Added Property Color3 Studio.Pivot Snap To Geometry Color {RobloxSecurity}

Added Function bool AvatarEditorService:NoPromptCreateOutfit(Instance humanoidDescription, Enum<HumanoidRigType> rigType, string name) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function bool AvatarEditorService:NoPromptSetFavorite(int64 itemId, Enum<AvatarItemType> itemType, bool shouldFavorite) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function int Player:GetNetworkPing()

Added Enum DraggerCoordinateSpace
	Added EnumItem DraggerCoordinateSpace.Object : 0
	Added EnumItem DraggerCoordinateSpace.Constant : 1

Added Enum DraggerMovementMode
	Added EnumItem DraggerMovementMode.Geometric : 0
	Added EnumItem DraggerMovementMode.Physical : 1

Added Enum OutfitSource
	Added EnumItem OutfitSource.All : 1
	Added EnumItem OutfitSource.Created : 2
	Added EnumItem OutfitSource.Purchased : 3

Added EnumItem CatalogCategoryFilter.Recommended : 6

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync

Changed the category of Property BillboardGui.Brightness 
	from: "Appearance"
	  to: "Data"

Changed the category of Property SurfaceGui.Brightness 
	from: "Appearance"
	  to: "Data"

Changed the parameters of Function AvatarEditorService:GetOutfits 
	from: ()
	  to: (Enum<OutfitSource> outfitSource = "All")

Changed the parameters of Function MemoryStoreQueue:ReadAsync 
	from: (int count, bool allOrNothing = false, double waitTimeout = 0)
	  to: (int count, bool allOrNothing = false, double waitTimeout = -1)
Changed the parameters of Function Player:GetFriendStatus
	from: (Instance player)
	  to: (Class<Player> player)
Changed the parameters of Function Player:LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription
	from: (Instance humanoidDescription)
	  to: (Class<HumanoidDescription> humanoidDescription)

Changed the parameters of Function Player:RequestFriendship
	from: (Instance player)
	  to: (Class<Player> player)

Changed the parameters of Function Player:RevokeFriendship
	from: (Instance player)
	  to: (Class<Player> player)

Changed the parameters of Function RemoteEvent:FireClient
	from: (Instance player, Tuple arguments)
	  to: (Class<Player> player, Tuple arguments)

Changed the parameters of Function RemoteFunction:InvokeClient
	from: (Instance player, Tuple arguments)
	  to: (Class<Player> player, Tuple arguments)

Changed the return-type of Function DataStoreService:GetDataStore
	from: Instance
	  to: Class<GlobalDataStore>

Changed the return-type of Function GroupService:GetAlliesAsync
	from: Instance
	  to: Class<StandardPages>

Changed the return-type of Function GroupService:GetEnemiesAsync
	from: Instance
	  to: Class<StandardPages>

Changed the return-type of Function Plugin:GetMouse
	from: Instance
	  to: Class<PluginMouse>

Changed the parameters of Event Player.CharacterAdded
	from: (Instance character)
	  to: (Class<Model> character)

Changed the parameters of Event Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded
	from: (Instance character)
	  to: (Class<Model> character)

Changed the parameters of Event Player.CharacterRemoving
	from: (Instance character)
	  to: (Class<Model> character)

Changed the parameters of Event Player.Chatted
	from: (string message, Instance recipient)
	  to: (string message, Class<Player> recipient)

Changed the parameters of Event Player.FriendStatusChanged
	from: (Instance player, Enum<FriendStatus> friendStatus)
	  to: (Class<Player> player, Enum<FriendStatus> friendStatus)

Changed the parameters of Event Players.PlayerAdded
	from: (Instance player)
	  to: (Class<Player> player)

Changed the parameters of Event Players.PlayerRemoving
	from: (Instance player)
	  to: (Class<Player> player)

Changed the parameters of Event RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent
	from: (Instance player, Tuple arguments)
	  to: (Class<Player> player, Tuple arguments)

Changed the parameters of Event Tool.Equipped
	from: (Instance mouse)
	  to: (Class<Mouse> mouse)

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Roblox finally added something useful and yet it’s so useless… why can’t we access this on the Client?

A lot of games actually display the client’s ping on UIs, there’s a valid and real use case for this…



Make it a leaderstats value? Why do you need clients to directly use the method?


Random update for people who care: I’ve seen some people asking for updates on the status of the new RunService events that were added but not turned on.

Work on these was temporarily put on the backburner, but has resumed recently, so you should be seeing them enabled soonish (though not in this release yet).


Convenience mostly. Right off the top of my head I can think of a usecase : Displaying network connection bars in a lobby/leaderboard UI, similar to what you see in call of duty. In a matchmaking scenario where players choose who they match with, it’s useful info to see on screen. “Oh this person has a red bar, I think I’ll avoid playing with them”.


If their ping measures 50 on the property, and you start sending it, and then their ping measures 1000, they will hypothetically see 50 but 1000 milliseconds later. Being able to use it from the specific client that the ping is for actually would be pretty useful, because otherwise you need to wait extra time for the network, making it a non accurate measure if ping (if you display it on the client).

@Noble_Draconian In this case, CloneTrooper’s example of just using a NumberValue would fit this use case.


It would be better if Roblox replicated for us instead of needing to do it ourselves.


Oh no… don’t tell me all my time doing obbys/platforming in war clan trainings has gone to waste!


As a quick bug report / note about the publish failed screen which has yet to annoy me enough to post a formal bug report:

If you press retry on the publish failed screen when doing ‘publish as’ it then just tries to publish to the place you are currently editing.

E.g. if publish fails when trying to commit a test place to main place and you click retry it will give publish success even if it has only published to the test place.


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