Release Notes for 504

Notes for Release 504


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class MarkerCurve : Instance
	Added Property int MarkerCurve.Length [ReadOnly]
	Added Function Dictionary MarkerCurve:GetMarkerAtIndex(int index)
	Added Function Array MarkerCurve:GetMarkers()
	Added Function Array MarkerCurve:InsertMarkerAtTime(float time, string marker)
	Added Function int MarkerCurve:RemoveMarkerAtIndex(int startingIndex, int count = 1)

Added Class ScriptRegistrationService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function LuaSourceContainer ScriptRegistrationService:GetSourceContainerByScriptGuid(string guid) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Class RigidConstraint : Constraint [NotBrowsable]
	Added Property bool RigidConstraint.Broken [NotBrowsable]
	Added Property bool RigidConstraint.DestructionEnabled [NotBrowsable]
	Added Property float RigidConstraint.DestructionForce [NotBrowsable]
	Added Property float RigidConstraint.DestructionTorque [NotBrowsable]

Added Property string PathfindingLink.ModifierId
Added Property bool Studio.Enable Autocomplete Doc View {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Property bool Studio.Enable Signature Help Doc View {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Property Color3 Studio.Doc View Code Background Color {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Hidden] [NotReplicated]
Added Property bool VersionControlService.ScriptCollabEnabled {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Hidden]

Added Function void DebuggerUIService:Pause() {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function void DebuggerUIService:Resume() {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function void MaterialService:ClearOverridePartMaterial(Enum.Material material)
Added Function MaterialVariant MaterialService:GetOverridePartMaterial(Enum.Material material)
Added Function void MaterialService:SetOverridePartMaterial(MaterialVariant materialVariant)
Added Function Tuple TextChannel:AddUserAsync(int64 userId) [Yields]
Added Function TextChatMessage TextChannel:DisplaySystemMessage(string systemMessage, string metadata = "")

Added Event AssetImportService.ProgressUpdate(float progressRatio)
Added Event AssetImportService.UploadFinished(bool succeeded)
Added Event TextChannel.MessageReceived(TextChatMessage textChatMessage)

Added EnumItem StudioScriptEditorColorCategories.DocViewCodeBackground : 38
Added EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DocViewCodeBackground : 63

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Class VoiceChatService
	Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function VoiceChatService:IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync

Added Tag [NotReplicated] to Class GamepadService
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Brick
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Cobblestone
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Concrete
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.CorrodedMetal
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.DiamondPlate
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Fabric
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Foil
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Granite
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Grass
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Ice
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Marble
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Metal
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Pebble
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Plastic
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Sand
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Slate
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.SmoothPlastic
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.Wood
Added Tag [NotScriptable] to Property MaterialService.WoodPlanks

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Brick 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Cobblestone 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Concrete 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.CorrodedMetal 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.DiamondPlate 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Fabric 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Foil 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Granite 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Grass 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Ice 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Marble 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Metal 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Pebble 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Plastic 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Sand 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Slate 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.SmoothPlastic 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.Wood 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the security of Property MaterialService.WoodPlanks 
	from: {None}
	  to: {RobloxSecurity}

Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerCurrentLine from 63 to 64
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DebuggerErrorLine from 64 to 65
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathText from 65 to 66
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextHunkInfo from 66 to 67
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChange from 67 to 68
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAddition from 68 to 69
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletion from 69 to 70
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextSeparatorBackground from 70 to 71
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextNoChangeBackground from 71 to 72
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextAdditionBackground from 72 to 73
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffTextDeletionBackground from 73 to 74
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNum from 74 to 75
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumSeparatorBackground from 75 to 76
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumNoChangeBackground from 76 to 77
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumAdditionBackground from 77 to 78
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffLineNumDeletionBackground from 78 to 79
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathBackground from 79 to 80
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DiffFilePathBorder from 80 to 81
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatIncomingBgColor from 81 to 82
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatIncomingTextColor from 82 to 83
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatOutgoingBgColor from 83 to 84
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatOutgoingTextColor from 84 to 85
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ChatModeratedMessageColor from 85 to 86
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Separator from 86 to 87
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ButtonBorder from 87 to 88
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ButtonText from 88 to 89
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InputFieldBorder from 89 to 90
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldBackground from 90 to 91
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldBorder from 91 to 92
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.CheckedFieldIndicator from 92 to 93
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.HeaderSection from 93 to 94
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.Midlight from 94 to 95
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.StatusBar from 95 to 96
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButton from 96 to 97
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButtonText from 97 to 98
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogButtonBorder from 98 to 99
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogMainButton from 99 to 100
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.DialogMainButtonText from 100 to 101
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoBarWarningBackground from 101 to 102
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.InfoBarWarningText from 102 to 103
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptEditorCurrentLine from 103 to 104
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptMethod from 104 to 105
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptProperty from 105 to 106
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptNil from 106 to 107
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBool from 107 to 108
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFunction from 108 to 109
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptLocal from 109 to 110
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptSelf from 110 to 111
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptLuauKeyword from 111 to 112
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptFunctionName from 112 to 113
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptTodo from 113 to 114
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.ScriptBracket from 114 to 115
Changed the value of EnumItem StudioStyleGuideColor.AttributeCog from 115 to 116

Removed Property MetaBreakpoint.Valid

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Please please please dont be rolling the lua chat back in.


Implemented the new Roblox VR system with the following components:

  • 3rd person and 1st person comfort camera module with vehicle support
  • new in-game menu and player gui interaction
  • support for Oculus Touch and Valve Index controllers

Didn’t expect this much to happen to VR before the end of the year, but I’ll take it. Now to wonder how long it will take to get enabled. Valve Index support was in the release notes a month ago, but still isn’t enabled.


I’m really excited to use the new RigidConstraint, but I feel we’d be better served if we just allowed WeldConstraint to support BaseParts and Attachments alike.

On another note, any indication on what exactly the new FloatCurve is, and its purpose?


Judging by this I don’t think its what you think it is, I think its probably way cooler:


Well, I’m going on what they’re saying about it in release notes for now. :sweat_smile:


From what I can gather from the members, this is a replacement for the legacy Glue joint which broke if the part exceeded a certain force from an explosion.


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