Release Notes for 508

Please note: There were no release notes for 507. This week picks back up after the holidays with 508 linked below.

Notes for Release 508


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class AnimationFromVideoCreatorService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorService:CreateJob(string filePath) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorService:DownloadJobResult(string jobId, string outputFilePath) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorService:FullProcess(string videoFilePath, Function progressCallback) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorService:GetJobStatus(string jobId) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
Added Class AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService:CreateAnimationByUploadingVideo(Function progressCallback) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService:ImportVideoWithPrompt() {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]

Added Property int Breakpoint.MetaBreakpointId {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Hidden] [ReadOnly]
Added Property float Explosion.TimeScale
Added Property float Fire.TimeScale
Added Property Instance Highlight.Adornee
Added Property float Smoke.TimeScale
Added Property float Sparkles.TimeScale
Added Property bool UserGameSettings.VignetteEnabled {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Hidden] [NotReplicated]

Added Function Instance AvatarImportService:ImportFBXAnimationFromFilePathUserMayChooseModel(string fbxFilePath, Instance selectedRig, Function userChooseModelThenImportCB) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]

Added EnumItem HighlightDepthMode.Occluded : 1

Removed EnumItem HighlightDepthMode.Default

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Could anyone clarify the terminology here for me? What exactly is an upcast?


Let me get this straight: version 507 has been skipped, and in addition, all of the backlogs that were in the version 506 report no longer appear in the 508 notes.
What happened to these pending issues? Have they been corrected or ignored? If they’ve been fixed, why don’t they show up as “Live” in the current release notes?
How will we know when a pending fix takes effect in the current release if it’s not listed?


An upcast is casting to a less specific type, so 55 is number, but 55::number|string is number|string (number or string). This was previously not allowed, only casting down (to a more specific type) or up to any were allowed.


If I understand correctly, likely because the version number is the week (e.g. week 508), and since there is no update for week 507, there is no 507. You can see on the deploy history that there’s no update 507 at all:

So, it’s just a visual thing.

As I understand it, release notes list the flags related to the feature, but they don’t automatically update, only when the release notes are published.

If you want to know if a flag is enabled, you actually have to check that yourself since flags can be enabled and disabled at any time.

There’s not a good way to easily know if a flag is or isn’t enabled. This is pretty much always the case, you don’t really know unless the feature is working, or Roblox announced it. There are a few easy sources you can find fast flag statuses on:

You can also check it yourself, I don’t exactly know how you dump the enabled flags yourself though, usually I check through Roblox Studio Mod Manager or similar since its faster.


More accurately, there is a version 507 internally in the CI toolchain, it just wasn’t ever a candidate for public release.

The 507 build does exist, the 507 public release was just skipped (according to plan).


507 was deployed to the Luau repository on GitHub, but I guess it was skipped on the Roblox client/Studio


Yeah we expected the version number to be 507 when making the Luau release, but it turned out to actually be 508, with a couple extra changes in it. As a result there’s going to be a brief desync between Luau and Roblox versioning, with Roblox 508 being approximately equal to Luau 507 but not exactly. The desync will be corrected with Roblox 509 next week which should match Luau 509 released a minute ago.


So this is the problem:

  1. Developers report a bug via forum.
  2. The report is accepted by the Roblox team.
  3. When the bug is fixed, no one at Roblox bothers to check out the original forum bug report post, informing the entire developer community in a simple and clear way.
  4. Even if no one reported that the bug was fixed in the original forum post, if these fixed were only reported in the Release Notes for the version, that would be enough. But neither case is done.
  5. In the meantime, developers can go on forever using a personal interim patch while the issue has already been fixed but not reported.

And it’s no use saying that I can consult a technical report, which doesn’t say anything to the person who created the bug report, it doesn’t even relate to the reported bug.

This is an old issue and in practical terms, it would be very useful for the developer community to be informed of all bugs resolved.


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