Release Notes for 512

Notes for Release 512


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class LSPService : Instance [Service] [NotReplicated]

Added Property MaterialVariant MaterialService.TerrainSlate {RobloxSecurity} [NotScriptable]
Added Property MaterialVariant MaterialService.TerrainWoodPlanks {RobloxSecurity} [NotScriptable]
Added Property Vector3 Workspace.GlobalWind

Added Function void GamepadService:DisableGamepadCursor()
Added Function void GamepadService:EnableGamepadCursor(Instance guiObject)
Added Function bool VoiceChatInternal:SubscribeRetry(int64 userId) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Event ScriptChangeService.ScriptSourceEdited(LuaSourceContainer script, Array edits) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3
Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList
Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList
Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function WorldRoot:IsRegion3Empty
Added Tag [Deprecated] to Function WorldRoot:IsRegion3EmptyWithIgnoreList
Added Tag [NotReplicated] to Property MetaBreakpoint.Condition

Changed the category of Property MaterialVariant.StudsPerTile 
	from: "Appearance For Part"
	  to: "Appearance"

Changed the read permissions, serialization and category of Property GamepadService.GamepadCursorEnabled 
	from: {RobloxScriptSecurity} [<🕒> RuntimeOnly] "State"
	  to: {None} [<💾|📁> Saves|Loads] "Data"

Changed the serialization of Property MetaBreakpoint.Condition 
	from: [<💾> SaveOnly]
	  to: [<💾|📁> Saves|Loads]

Changed the thread safety of Function WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3 
	from: {🧬Safe}
	  to: {🧬Unsafe}

Changed the thread safety of Function WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox 
	from: {🧬Unsafe}
	  to: {🧬Safe}

Changed the thread safety of Function WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInRadius 
	from: {🧬Unsafe}
	  to: {🧬Safe}

Changed the thread safety of Function WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart 
	from: {🧬Unsafe}
	  to: {🧬Safe}

Changed the parameters of Event LogService.ServerMessageOut 
	from: (string message, Enum.MessageType messageType, int timestamp)
	  to: (string message, Enum.MessageType messageType, double timestamp)

Removed Class CSGCacheService

Removed Function AvatarEditorService:PerformCreateOutfit
Removed Function AvatarEditorService:PerformSaveAvatarNew
Removed Function MetaBreakpoint:SetCondition

Removed Tag [ReadOnly] from Property MetaBreakpoint.Condition

Removed Tags [Hidden] [NotReplicated] from Property GamepadService.GamepadCursorEnabled

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


The select() optimization ran into some problems and was disabled; a fixed version will ship next week.


Not entirely related to this change, but as seen in the code snippet, does this mean that string literal types (i.e. tag: "Cat") are in the works? I’ve tried enabling the flag associated with this change (FFlagLuauDiscriminableUnions) and Luau doesn’t like the usage of "Cat" as a type.


Thank you :pray:t2:

“SoundGroups will now support nesting via parent-child relationships.”

I can finally give my players proper volume control settings without tearing out my hair

although currently disabled



Overall, this is looking like an interesting update even though not too many new features coming right away, I am pretty excited to see 513 and 514.

I’m also curious about @PlanarTheorem’s question. Would love to know if type constants are in the works, would make some of my common uses for typing possible in luau.


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