Release Notes for 513

Notes for Release 513


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService:CreateAnimationByUploadingVideo(Function progressCallback) {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]
	Added Function string AnimationFromVideoCreatorStudioService:ImportVideoWithPrompt() {RobloxScriptSecurity} [Yields]

Added Class ScriptCloneWatcher : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
Added Class ScriptCloneWatcherHelper : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]

Added Class StudioHighDpiService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]
	Added Function bool StudioHighDpiService:IsNotHighDPIAwareBuild() {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Class TextChatMessage : Instance [NotCreatable]
	Added Property string TextChatMessage.Metadata
	Added Property string TextChatMessage.PrefixText
	Added Property Enum.TextChatMessageStatus TextChatMessage.Status
	Added Property string TextChatMessage.Text
	Added Property TextChannel TextChatMessage.TextChannel
	Added Property TextSource TextChatMessage.TextSource
	Added Property DateTime TextChatMessage.Timestamp

Added Class TextChatMessageProperties : Instance
	Added Property string TextChatMessageProperties.PrefixText
	Added Property string TextChatMessageProperties.Text

Added Class VisibilityService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service]

Added Property bool MaterialService.Use2022Materials {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Property Enum.ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting Workspace.ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting [NotScriptable]

Added Function void DebuggerUIService:RemoveScriptLineMarkers(int debuggerConnectionId, bool allMarkers) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function void DebuggerUIService:SetScriptLineMarker(string guid, int debuggerConnectionId, int line, bool lineMarkerType) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function void StudioPublishService:SetTeamCreateOnPublishInfo(bool shouldTurnOnTcOnPublish, string newPlaceName) {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function void StudioService:DEPRECATED_SetTurnOnTeamCreateOnPublish(bool turnOn) {RobloxScriptSecurity}

Added Enum ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting
	Added EnumItem ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting.Default : 0
	Added EnumItem ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting.Disabled : 1
	Added EnumItem ReplicateInstanceDestroySetting.Enabled : 2

Added EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.Unknown : 1
Added EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.Sending : 3

Changed the value of EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.Success from 1 to 2
Changed the value of EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.TextFilterFailed from 2 to 4
Changed the value of EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.Floodchecked from 3 to 5
Changed the value of EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.InvalidPrivacySettings from 4 to 6
Changed the value of EnumItem TextChatMessageStatus.InvalidTextChannelPermissions from 5 to 7

Removed Function StudioService:SetTurnOnTeamCreateOnPublish

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


We are continuing to watch the Lua Chat get removed lol


Rest assured, Lua chats aren’t going anywhere! We’re doing some work on this front, but nothing is ready to share yet.



Are we finally getting brand new materials while also being able to keep legacy games looking the same?


Can someone explain what VisibilityService is? It sounds like occlusion culling to me.


Curious… very curious…


I would guess probably just a more mixed approach at most, something like the lua-humanoid demo we saw with the Avatar Evolution studio build. Still lua, and still moddable, but assisted slightly by some helper instances.

Or it’s just not that.

Roblox didn’t have lua chat originally, then they invested a lot of time and effort (and still do) to make the lua chat function well, so, I don’t see Roblox turning that precedent around randomly.


Even if its not being removed, I found it pretty sus that they started adding these methods a short while after it came out how easy it is to spoof chatlog messages using it.

Of course, the Lua Chat itself is not being removed as you can still use it in your game. However, Roblox might start locking down features with it that you could previously modify. This is what we saw with the BubbleChat which is a shadow of it’s former Lua self.

Oh and this LuaPackage


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