Release Notes for 604

Hey, ive noticed this change after this release and im wondering what is this about? What’s up with the “WaitForNextFrame” logs along with the fact that the simple top bar logs are also now primarily blue along with featuring more information than before.

I can’t really seem to understand what it’s meant to be, considering that the timer graph display some crazy high values for “WaitForNextFrame”. So i kinda doubt its anything too closely framerate related…


What’s going on here is that someone added a label associated with the empty space between frames, which turned out to be a bad idea. This is being removed, sorry for the clutter.


This is actually incredibly intuitive; and I’m surprised I hadn’t thought of this sooner.


Would love more info on this

Does this mean unions are way more optimized now?


What’s the “getTriangleCount() API”? Swear i have never heard about this before nor can i find anything related to this.

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Engineer using internal C++ naming they’re used to there. They mean the .TriangleCount property.


Can we not get an option to disable this or make it inherit the colouring desired?

It makes some of our projects look ugly when it comes to metal reflections or water when our map doesn’t have a lick of orange/purple shade at night yet the water/metal ends up reflecting specifically that shade of colour.


Speaking of the TriangleCount property, is there any chance we could get some sort of reliable triangle count property for meshes, part operations and unions? The current TriangleCount pretty much isnt reliable nor usable 98% of the time as it goes back to 0 whenever you reload.

FYI: Vector2:Round() and Vector3:Round() have not been added. This was a mistake in the release notes that we will resolve. :Floor() and :Ceil() do exist however.


Imo these sizes might have gotten mixed up in communication somewhere. Makes more sense for cylinder to be 1 x 2 x 2 so you can easily tell which axis to resize to make it taller. I cant think of a reason to make the wedge 1 x 2 x 2 by default instead of 2 x 2 x 2

I worked with several devs on the sizing.

  • 1 x 2 x 2 was a contender for the cylinder size. Tiebreaker was that there are fair number of uniformly sized cylinders out there and being taller makes it a bit easier to click after insertion.

  • 1 x 2 x 2 was picked because there’s a fair amount of 1 stud thick walls / dividers out there. 2 studs thick is likely less common as a final dimension than 1.


TriangleCount hasn’t been working for a lot of time now, all of my UnionOperations display a 0 in them even when accessing the property.

The only time you can see it is with newly created UnionOperations. If you close the place and open it back, the TriangleCount will always display 0 in all of them.

Just noticed @XenoDenissboss1 mentioned the issue.

My 2c is the cylinder should be 1x4x4 so you can tell which axis to resize to make it taller, and it matches sphere’s default size. I always resize the Y axis then see it and remember its a cylinder so the axis are swapped and X axis makes it taller. If it was 1x4x4 this would happen less imo

The wedge should match a normal part, 4x1x2. Having any values be the same makes it harder to remember which axis makes it wider and which makes it deeper

Corner wedge should be 2x1x2 to match the wedge



Can you make particle emitters interactive? i am struggling with my flamethrowing ability in my game


This is a great and very welcome change- one that I’ve been wanting for nearly 3 years! I’m glad to know that modeling in the Studio is still receiving QoL changes.

Could we expect a :Clamp method of Vector2 and Vector3? This would be useful for me for what I am working on right now.

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Do you use this enough that it would a significant upgrade from :Min(...):Max(...)?

:Min and :Max pretty much just came out, but right now, I don’t use them too much. It may help others though!


I believe after this release, I started experiencing a studio crashing after play testing bug.

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