Release Notes for 613

Release Notes for 613


Where and what’s the format?


Can we maybe get some kind of overlay to show us that we have replication lag enabled? Sometimes I forget I have it on and my game feels off in a way that takes me some time to link back to the replication lag.


I think this would be lovely as an option under the Testing tab instead of a studio setting


Please check out the announcement on Script Profiler update: New Features in ScriptProfiler

Edit: linked the specific section


What’s this mean? Is this some new type function?


local tb: Instances = {}

We’re moving towards having Instance methods take / return tables with a well defined shape instead of just Dictionary / Array. For example, imagine if you could have built in code completion for the tables that many MarketplaceService methods return.

This is test of a step towards that functionality.


I have a feature request related to this change: Filter Selectable Instances Inside Plugins

I’m wondering if this fixes the drag select issue (drag select doesn’t respect collision groups)?

I would still appreciate a look at my request like a way to filter non-destructively, to programmatically select parts even if they are locked, and to support non-part instances like Attachment.


shift+F3 overlay will report your ping, even if simulated


Shift F3 doesnt work in studio, you have to go to View > Network which is cumbersome



Is it safe to call the luau heap on the server for 4GB+ memory?

The only way I can test this is to go on a server that has been up for a day or so, and then try it out. Most likely crashing the server, and losing 50 players. Previously this crashed the server, but maybe recent changes fixed it?

If anyone tested this recently, or knows a way to artificially make server memory rise to that point it would be very handy.

But off course, and official reply by Roblox staff would be ideal :wink:.



You should make your game work around any time of lag, instead of assuming it’s always at 0.
Outside of Roblox, ping won’t be always 0 (unless it’s a very specific scenario like singleplayer game using the client/server model) so if your game is improperly coded and a player with ping issues can break some things then that’s a red flag you should sort out.


About a week ago I mistakenly removed the decimal point when testing various replication lags. This caused me to have ~8 minutes of network lag which took me a solid minute to figure out why nothing was happening.

I won’t make that mistake again, but it’s better if I can’t.


Unfortunately no.

I can give this another shot but there’s last I tried there’s no performant enough way to do this: Drag select is already relatively performance intensive because it has to query all of the parts in the scene to get candidates for selection, adding any additional filtering gets expensive fast.

I could possibly add it behind an option but that would be a rather weird option.


Is there anything new about the audio API and voice chat? I have been experiencing glitches in my experience and had to remove voice chat.

still no fix to animation events not firing when they are being hit too fast

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It seems that this update has broken the TextChatService a bit, the UI is completely gone and unusable if CreateDefaultTextChannels = false, even if you have custom channels.

Messages are still sent and received if used from an outside source such as :Chat() or a custom textbox, however they can only be seen using print() in the output, even chat bubbles are invisible.

I’m hoping this gets fixed soon as my chat system was working perfectly before this, however I have no clue what in this update would have done this.

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Hi Gal, thanks for reporting this issue! This will get resolved today.


If you need any further info about the bug dm me, thx!

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Since this Release Note, Incoming Replication Lag keeps setting itself to 10 whenever I start or restart Studio, causing a large delay to occur when pressing Play or Play Here unless I remember to set the value to 0

I’ve submitted a bug report about this issue, but I’m also mentioning it here since it’s quite an annoying problem to be experiencing and I strongly suspect that it’s related to this release note since it includes a modification of the behavior of the Incoming Replication Lag setting :sweat_smile: