Release Notes for 614

I also made threads on both of these, I’m glad roblox staff is listening and implementing these changes. High-five!


sad to see it go but I’m sure it’ll RoL back around someday.

rest in power Roblox on Linux


A big problem solved by unreliable remote events is that they dont buffer, and the events you get are always as fresh as possible and not backlogged.

This change is in line with this. In practice it just means clients need to signal the server when they’re ready to start receiving URE’s.


Looks like something slipped through the cracks :slight_smile:

Welp time to use Studio for 8 months until Wine ever gets unblocked


Nah. This is just an onboarding step for new engineers: To get an initial experience learning about Roblox’ development pipeline they temporarily add a print statement in the Studio log.


In my honest opinion, Roblox shouldn’t even be supported unofficially on Linux using Wine. Roblox did a big favor to Linux users by supporting or unblocking access to Wine but as with every good action from Roblox, it was heavily abused. It is not Roblox’s problem that Linux users can’t play Roblox. Either Linux users change to using Windows to play Roblox or just don’t. There are many many popular apps that aren’t supported in Linux and it is not worth supporting Linux as few people use it as their main operating system. That’s forgetting how few hardware vendors even make Linux drivers. Exploiters ruin everything and they shouldn’t have any chance to breath. My opinion may be unpopular but this is just what I think.


am i the only one happy about this?


This is awesome and extremely useful for me

On another note is there any timeline for when we could expect to get “keyof” implemented in Roblox Luau? I know it currently exists in Luau but it doesnt seem to work on Roblox yet.


Just dualboot windows for roblox, can’t be that hard no?

imo i think a good compromise for roblox would be to give winehq maintainers the list of functions that trip the anti-tamper for them to work on

that way no bypass is needed and it wont compromise the security

I think a big reason why the anticheat works is obscurity.

If the specific workarounds become public knowledge they can probably be used in the same way to just bypass the anticheat.

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I do dual boot Windows, not on the same drive because of Windows updates breaking the bootloader for Linux (probably on purpose) I just haven’t touched my Windows installation in over 7 months because I’ve had no issues with Linux,

Every anti-tamper and anti-cheat love to use some special sauce that is undocumented meaning that very unlikely it would be implemented in Wine. I’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t want to give information on that special sauce, even if it’s functionality will be more available.

This was so annoying, thank you so much for considering it!


probably when they stop using opengl 2.0


You’re a sick man… a sick, sick man.

On topic, this is bad… my head developer uses Linux for Studio :grimacing:


And I literally just switched to Linux… huge upset for me


For your culture, one of the engineers working on Hyperion is also a Wine contributor (IIRC)
They would’ve done it themselves, but again, an AC mostly function on security by obscurity!

I have been unable to set a gradient to the Transparency property on any UIGradient since this update.

I am unsure whether this is just me, however, I have tried to reset my layout and that hasn’t worked.

Clicking the 3 dots does not make any menu appear. I am unsure whether this is just some edge scenario or if this is worth reporting as a bug report.

Hi @arxweb!

It looks like there was an issue with the NumberSequence editor’s docking behavior, causing it to dock in a position you can’t see. I’ve disabled the change for now. If all goes smoothly, it should be re-enabled in 1-2 weeks.

It doesn’t seem like this issue affects the ColorSequence editor, so I’ve left that change enabled.



this is a stupid way to do anything
if your anti-tamper is good enough you dont need security through obscurity