Release Notes for 661

This was always a hack and Roblox even said in the original glass post to not rely on it. Alas, here we are, the best solution is just a new glass material that introduces the fix, ie, GlassV2. (also this could be an optimisation where you dont need certain glass blocks to render non-opaque stuff.)

This is the same thing that happened with Plastic/SmoothPlastic

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You cant clone editable instances, thats what this method is for. It clones the data from one editable to another.

I canā€™t seem to find anything on this, what happened with SmoothPlastic?

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thank u so much

What is the error code exactly? Also why isnā€™t it in the fixed category?

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as you adding that the pc can have touch enabled

can you as well give us the possibility to detect the platform of the user? like is it a console/ phone/ tablet/ vr/ pc

that will allow us i think to adjust ui for the platform and even mechanics

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I think that the more likely action will be that future Windows versions might not support it. Perhaps in a situation where Windows adopts the Linux as its kernel.

From my experience, deprecated methods are not prone to break, but do get superceded by easier or more secure methods.

Can I ask why there is a duplicate release note from Release Notes 656, regarding lighting calculations being removed from rendering?

If this is going to become a common practice, please add more statuses to the release notes so we can better understand the state of features, such as if they are delayed or cancelled, so expectations can be better managed.


This will not happen. You should always be basing your UI off of things like screen size and last input types.


Letā€™s say we want to show controller input buttons, like for a tutorial.

We canā€™t even detect what type of controller theyā€™re using. We canā€™t show playstation vs Xbox buttons.

I see you and @MetaVars in almost every patch note denying our access to this without giving a proper reason. Well Iā€™m fed up with it. Give us a reason, and a very good one, not the ā€œUi scalingā€ one you give.


GetImageForKeycode exists, supporting that in a forwards-compatible way:


I gave a number of reasons, e.g.:

  • Mixed input devices like Steam Deck or Ally donā€™t work
  • Using a tablet as a monitor with keyboard and mouse doesnā€™t work
  • Chromebook and Windows Surface donā€™t work
  • VR doesnā€™t work
  • ā€¦

Please donā€™t make assumptions based on TouchEnabled, MouseEnabled etc. APIs.
We will replace them with a better API in the future and provide you with input and output capabilities.


you very much can; at least between xbox and PS. hereā€™s code we use to have custom images per-console:

local function IsXbox()
	return UserInputService:GetStringForKeyCode(Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA) == "ButtonA"

function ConsoleKeyImageHandler.GetImage(KeyCode: EnumItem): string?
	local Platform = IsXbox() and "Xbox" or "PlayStation"

	return BUTTON_IMAGES[Platform][KeyCode]

That could be arguable.
Youā€™re right a lot of people a making ui based on screen size which will not change.

A couple of things that could be useful to have imo that the roblox could handle something like the last input type and give the ability to see the change of the platform (could be useful for mechanics e.g. when to include aim assist).

And as well roblox ui i think already does something like that (changing the jump button size depending on a device)


Here are the updated instances.


Apologies if this has already been mentioned elsewhere, but TouchGui is sometimes there and sometimes isnā€™t for certain players in-game. I believe the TouchGui being there is dependent upon the TouchEnabled. Clarification would be nice if thatā€™s not the case. I put pcalls in my game for enabling/disabling the TouchGui or the JumpButton specifically.

To clarify, I think Iā€™m talking about a different topic here. I hear you saying to not assume the platform based on inputType. Kinda similar, but the quote made me think to ask.

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Why do some changes stay pending for so long compared to others? Thereā€™s still some changes all the way back in #649 (or earlier) that still are pending


UI wise? This makes sense. Though in the future, Roblox should let developers create experiences only aimed at certain groups of users, like users with higher-end hardware with better software, so they can make games without worrying about low-end users, expanding the Engineā€™s potential.

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You would want to do this based on specs (or some other thing that relates to what you actually want to do for higher end users), not based off device. The newest iPhone is going to be more powerful than the worst Windows.


That is true, though I think this would still require an API of some sort that doesnā€™t give the developer direct access to that info, but still allows the developer to use the full/a great portion of that deviceā€™s capabilities.

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