Release Notes for 661

661, what a number. What a prime number, and what a prime release! Enjoy!



Can we have a list for this please

Changes the Plugin type, as well as many related Instance types, to be plugin-level security.


This is misleading: this is specifically a fix for string.format("%c", 0) resulting in an empty string rather than a string containing a null byte.


The TouchEnabled change might break a lot of games that use this to see if a user is on a mobile device.

Although you should be using dynamic changes to UI/controls based on their last input type, I know thereā€™s lots of games out there that simply use TouchEnabled to swap to mobile UIs/Controls


UserInputService.TouchEnabled will now be set to true for Windows touch devices.

This change will be interesting. Iā€™m glad Windows touch displays are finally getting proper support, but I know so many games will now assume a lot of laptop users are mobile and scale or limit UIs as such.

I do hope this change gets the point across that input options canā€™t be reliably used to detect a platform.


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen a patch note where everything is Live, what happened?


If glass is being reworked for the unified lighting engine, now is the perfect time to get non-opaque objects (surface guis, billboards, particles and what have you) to render through them.

Its been 7 years, surely the tech has caught up for this to be viable now, if its not, Iā€™d love a technical reasoning on why this still hasnā€™t been supported.


Another Release, another set of ā€œFixesā€ under the Changes section and ā€œChangesā€ or additions under Fixes.



This was so annoying. I would often have to ask people to repeat themselves with more/less text in order to see their message properly.


first release in which literally nothing is pending and everything is live?

niceee release

edit: i think it was a bug cuz now many things are pending


These games are designing their input schemes incorrectly though, they are designed to do the wrong thing at the wrong time and so they will do the wrong thing at the wrong time as a result.

They shouldnā€™t be trying to check if a userā€™s device is a mobile device and then changing their entire UI scheme based on that, they should be adapting the UI/inputs based on the capability of the device, meaning the UI should adapt to the resolution, and the inputs should adapt to the input method the user is actually using.

For example if a user has a touch screen but no keyboard itā€™s safe to assume they are using the touch screen, and if a user has a keyboard and a touch screen itā€™s safe to assume they are using the keyboard, but if they use the touch screen the touch screen inputs should appear, and if they use the keyboard the touch screen inputs should disappear.

Mobile devices can use keyboards and mice, and they can use external displays. Consoles can use keyboards and mice, and donā€™t have internal displays. Laptops can have touchscreens, and they can use gamepads. And likewise, mobile devices can use gamepads.

What a device ā€˜isā€™ doesnā€™t ultimately mean anything, because what a user is actually using on any given device isnā€™t going to follow any specific reliable pattern a lot of the time and if you design your game to make assumptions youā€™re going to get bad behaviour on some devices or in some contexts.


Addresses an issue where the default TextChatService chat window sometimes clips longer messages behind the scrollbar instead of wrapping around to the next line.

Will this also be fixed for the Dev console


There has to be a bug, almost everything is live in every release note. :shock:
Kudos to everyone working on these day & night!

P.S: They fixed it, so I guess it was a bug? :sad:


Some games actually use slightly transparent parts behind glass to make a wall that you can only see through from one side, it would be cool if we got a new instance or material that hides anything behind it instead.


For people that still use UserInputService.TouchEnabled to check for mobile devices and donā€™t want to swap over to using input type

local isTabletOrMobile = (UserInputService.TouchEnabled and not GuiService.IsWindows)

IsWindows is deprecated but still works so you should be able to use it in order to exclude windows devices from mobile/tablet UI


Since itā€™s deprecated and no longer maintained, it can break one day, donā€™t use it for new work, also it works only for Windows OS, it wonā€™t work on Mac and etc.
But if this works for you then Iā€™ve no complaints on my behalf
Maybe try UserInputService.TouchEnabled and not UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled?


The release notes only mentioned touch enabled will work for windows devices, so I imagine it wouldnā€™t be enabled in the first place for Mac, unless thatā€™s already implemented.

Also the Keyboard Enabled is probably a better solution since itā€™ll work even if you have a keyboard plugged into a touch device. Although Iā€™d probably use MouseEnabled since thatā€™s kind of what youā€™re replacing


Blockquote AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync() now supports creating an EditableMesh from another EditableMesh via Content.fromObject(editableMesh).

I donā€™t understand.


Hereā€™s what I use



If you donā€™t care about the quality of your product, iā€™d say go wild using deprecated functions and gaslight your fanbase by fixing bugs caused by deprecated functions and give up and make a remake that costs 2000 robux /s