Release Notes for 663

Hi everyone, I’m here to bring you something super exciting… release notes for 663 :tada: Have a great rest of the week!


That’s super exciting indeed.

I will read right now.

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Let’s see the release notes lolz

This is not real at all. 663 is about to get more fire!

What was the idea behind the “sleep” metrics being visible at all? Why keep sleep at all? Personally i just find it kinda annoying tbh.

That sounds… super dangerous. Was this a full VM escape or capability elevation or what?


I was thinking it referred to just Instance.Capabilities permissions and not VM security

I am very happy about FFlagLuauTypeFunPrintFix even if print() from type functions on the new solver don’t appear in Studio yet. (or if it ever will)

My fix is in a Roblox Studio release with its own Fast Flag.


There’s still nothing about DPI Issue fixes :/

Yes I see that you’re removing patch notes that weren’t made live from previous releases and carrying it over to the new one but now the conversation regarding patch notes in previous release note forum posts are completely useless.

Please add a ‘Delayed to 663’ marker or something so I can keep track of this, patch notes retroactively changing is not good