Release Notes for 664

Are y’all also going to fix the keyboard support for iOS/iPadOs? Most of the time when you type the keyboard becomes unresponsive and even when you try to tap out to exit the keyboard it doesn’t work and you have to wait for it to be responsive or you have to swipe out of the app and back in to fix it immediately.

Also another bug is when you are typing on any mobile device (I think this is for all at least, though this only happened on iOS/iPadOs) and you are teleported to another game/server/etc then your keyboard remains open and you cannot close it and you have to force close the app. Since you can’t use any menu options as the keyboard is covering it.


I don’t know if anyone else was experiencing this, but play-test would freeze your screen in studio for a good 15 seconds.

It has now been fixed. :smile:

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The first section of the release notes is not scaled properly on mobile.


yeah, hopefully this gets fixed. had to wait until i got home to read them properly :broken_heart:

What is the two-bone case?

Thanks god that it’s being resolved! Thanks once again, roblox engineers

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This update is a significant step forward that many developers have been eagerly awaiting. It specifically enhances performance and reliability when using IKControl for two-bone chains, such as a shoulder-to-hand setup:

  • Shoulder (RightUpperArm → RightShoulder)
  • Elbow (RightLowerArm → RightElbow)
  • Wrist (RightHand → RightWrist)

When using RightUpperArm as the chain root and RightHand as the end effector, the solver manages three joints. Typically, the root (RightShoulder) remains static, focusing the IK system on the elbow and wrist. This refinement aims to reduce the stutter or jitter often seen in first-person perspectives - like in DayZ or Mirror’s Edge -where a realistic, full-body awareness is crucial. By eliminating this stutter, developers can provide smoother and more precise character movements when players see their own bodies in first-person.

TL;DR: This update improves two-bone IK performance to reduce stutter, enabling smoother, more realistic first-person body awareness in Roblox.

Here is my current progress on my first person character, notice the stutter on the wrist, ignore the freecam.
IKControl Stutter on the righthand - demonstration.


i’ve noticed some of the release note entries are more specifically explained and i like this :fire:

also this is fixed i’ve never had a problem with this but that’s cool

maybe let’s work on letting people code their own shaders? i’d love to see proper tonemapping


Roblox staff has explained before why this probably would never happen.

Yeah but he also said this

So in the 9 years since that post we’ve gotten 8 new effects?

Clouds? I guess you can consider that as a shader. But it also hasn’t really any updates since its release definitely none off phase 2 which it was promised 3 phases. Kind of sad tbh.

Grass I suppose you can consider a shader as well which is also a huge disappointment. Yay swaying triangles? Interesting. Thats not at all what was displayed at the RDC. What happened to the Flowers? Disappointment. BUT HOORAY 3 YEARS LATER YOU CAN CHANGE THE HEIGHT OF GRASS!! TECHNICAL BREAKTHROUGH LETS ALL CELEBRATE!! :clinking_glasses:

Ooo a fun one, Highlights introduced to us in 2021 with another set of disappointing features. Change its outline color, change its inside color, Do you want it to be hidden behind other objects cause with this instance that’s all about you can do… Tough luck if you wanted to change its width or anything cause of course mobile limitations yay!

But don’t worry it’s not all disappointments cause we got Atmosphere :fog: given to us in April of 2020 and I personally don’t have many complaints with it but I’m sure you can find some people that do.

Our great friend DOF was released also April 2020 interestingly enough… I’m not sure who was working april of 2020 but lets get them back as an engineer. I don’t have much to say about this one.

you’ve got MaterialService that was a win especially after we got custom materials so they did good on that one

Okay but Future lighting was a pretty cool new lighting update I’m glad they added that one it’s still pretty limited with what you can do with it but they are working on improving it ig.

Oh yeah we also have the enviromental stuff with the reflective maps which was also kind of a disappointing update, I mean sure its cool but is like 100 pixels and it only updates every 15 seconds or more idk the exact time but whos counting.

I definitely feel like I’m missing a few updates but off the list we had a whole lot less than 30 thats for sure. So if this is all we get after 9 years I personally would have wanted the research into making your own shaders.


That sucks so they aren’t making new effects or the shaders ;(

The post that staff member was replying to was asking about custom shader support, not new effects in general fortunately.

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dunno when this was added, but there seem to be unmentioned type colors now?

highlights were also removed from export and keywords in variables:

I found a single topic mentioning these changes, nothing else


Yes, we have added coloring for types this week.
It was a relatively popular feature request that took a bit too long to get implemented Separate syntax highlighting color for type annotations


what about the variable highlighting for self and the normal highlighting for export? I liked these and I’m pretty sure others did too, considering there’s a request asking how to disable it.