Revert back to the old syntax highlighting in the script editor?

I can change the type color back easily but how do I get the syntax highlighting back on variables?
Also after the export keyword type isn’t highlighted
That wasn’t too bad but when writing function types I’d like to have self highlighted in red
This is purely just preference and may just be user error :sweat_smile:
Here is how it used to look:


So you changed the self color in settings but you want the og self color for specific things? I think you just have to pick a side because the whole word gets 1 color

This is the default pallet studio gives on a fresh install, I didn’t change anything with the theme


after local self it isn’t highlighted like how it used to:



You can still obtain it back through modifying Studio Settings on the Script Editor.

I just checked studio and you’re not wrong. When I replied I was under the assumption you changed it and wanted it a specific way but Roblox has changed it.

Have type color’s always been light blue/green or whatever it is?

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When writing types it wont highlight it

They used to be the same color as variables
Personally I like that you can change the color of types but I’m not the biggest fan of self not having a color after local
It’s also way too bright/neon in comparison with the other keyword colors but you can always change that


Still very well possible.

If I may, which setting is this and are you on the newest version?

You can tell he’s on old version because type color for “a” is still white

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I still seem to be having this issue even after reinstalling
changing the type colors back wasn’t that hard
Roblox studio also doesn’t want to go beyond 0.664 maybe because I enabled some beta features

Try setting the preset to Custom, also I am using a modded studio to receive updates when they’re live on the channel, not when they’re officially released.

It doesn’t seem to be working :smiling_face_with_tear:
Do you have any other suggestions?

I’ll play around with some FFlags to see if we can bring it back; the types being highlighted in blue is a new change.

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please bring back the highlighting for self when it’s a variable and the highlighting for export :pray:

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Agreed, this is super annoying. self should always be in red.

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