Release Notes for chairin'

chairin’: Release notes

Hello! This is where updates for chairin’ are logged, usually ones that are important get logged.

Release notes for 7/11/2024


  • Added fencing at Z’s ramp at Mid
  • Adjusted walls and floors of Z


  • Defusal now starts when there is at least one player on one team
  • Game now alerts you when you aren’t on site or when you are not on the ground if you attempt to plant.


  • Radar now shows positions correctly on all screens
  • Radar icons now weld to the border if they are out of range

Previous updates

Release notes for 5/10/2024

cool update, a big one too


  • Chair’s hitbox detection is now more precise and reliable.
  • Bar Stool updates
    • Overhauled the Bar Stool’s model
    • Bar Stool no longer has 3 throws at default


  • Game now checks if all team members died more reliably.
  • Lowered player’s crouch height to ~3 studs (in comparison to the standing height of 5 to 6 studs)
  • You can now be awarded for kills even after the round ended.
  • The game now works on a 24/7 server loop (defusal, de_cache always)
  • Added end of match cutscene.
    • Displays who won the game and the score]


  • You can no longer plant on the sides of the white box by Quad.


  • Bomb beeps per second new decrease overtime.
  • Bomb now plays a detonation sounds (~2 seconds length) after the 40 seconds end.


  • Added a new main menu, alongside a team selector.
  • Radar now shows icons for certain things and places, like…
    • Bombsites
    • Teammates
    • Seen enemies
    • Planted bombs
  • Bomb’s timer no longer shows, instead shows a blinking emoji.
  • Added a time elapsed text on the scoreboard
  • Buy button now has an owned indicator (if the item is a chair)
  • Removed delayed after the buytime expiring alert disappears.
  • Updated mobile controls
  • Reset button now grays out if you are spectating or died.


  • Fixed a bug where if the buytime expires and the buy menu was still open, it wouldn’t unfreeze the player
  • Fixed a bug where the player icons wouldn’t switch after halftime.
  • Fixed memory leaks in the buy menu
  • Fixed a bug where if you throw the bomb while planting, you would freeze in palce.
  • Fixed a bug where only new players appear in the scoreboard.
Release notes for 4/14/2024

large upddate!


  • Added a new chair mechanic: “Chair resets”. Chairs can be thrown a certain amount of times (1-3 reset(s), depending on the weapon) until the cooldown takes place.
  • Buffed: Bar Stool
    • Movement Speed: 11 → 17
    • Cooldown seconds 2.25 → 2s
    • Chair resets 3 → 1


  • Game is optimized and no longer experiences lag
    • Fixed memory leaks in the code
    • Client no longer sends heavy amounts of packets, which used to result in unplayable lag
  • Reduced fall damage by 40%
  • You are now warned if you get/picked up/dropped the bomb.
  • You can no longer pickup the bomb by aiming at it.


  • Revamped Cache
    • Previous de_cache (orange and gray boxes ver.) is now known as de_dev_cache


  • Chat updates
    • Added team chat, click [U] to chat with teammates.
    • Players who are in the game no longer see spectator’s messages.
    • Added chat cooldown
  • Overhauled scoreboard
    • Scoreboard now shows player’s kills, assists, and deaths
    • Sorts players by kills
  • When you die, after 1.5 seconds the screen fades into black.
  • Added a defuse kit indicator on the bottom right.
  • Buy menu now closes upon buytime expiring.
  • Updated health and balance UI
  • Ping is now accurate and updates every 1 second.
  • Console is no longer draggable.


  • Added pickup sounds


  • Updated player movement system
  • Updated player rotation values
  • Game now recognizes death by falling down
  • You can no longer pickup the bomb when your not a Bloxxer.
  • When spectating a teammate’s first person view, it now hides their character.


  • Fixed a bug where upon buying something, if any item has the same price as your balance then it will appear unffordable.
  • Fixed a bug where you icon’s outline color wouldn’t change after the game’s half point.
  • Fixed logic errors with the buy buttons.
  • Fixed a bug where if you respawn during buy phase, you unfreeze.
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t be able to spectate anyone if you died on the first round.
  • Fixed a bug where if you jump right before the next round starts, you take fall damage.
  • Fixed a bug where you would be able to defuse while ragdolled or dead.
  • Fixed a bug where cooldown still shows even though it is unneeded.
  • Fixed a bug where you can damage or kill teammates with the knife.
Release notes for 3/30/2024


  • C4 timer continues to tick even after the round has ended.
  • Thrown chairs no longer block other thrown chairs.


  • Buy buttons now gray out if they aren’t buyable at the start.
  • Upon buying something, other buy buttons will now gray out buttons that are unaffordable after purchase.
  • Overhauled chat UI to have proper scaling and positioning for chat lines and such.
    • You now have to press [SLASH] to open chat.
  • If its the 8th round, instead of showing “match point”, it now shows “last round before half”.
  • If a team has 8 points then it will now say “match point”.
  • Pickup indicator no longer shows if your aiming at a C4 while being a Counter-Bloxxer.
  • When the warmup indicator is no longer showing, it will now show the amount of players.
  • Player icons now swap positions after halftime.


  • You can now pickup chairs with your knife out.
  • Chairs no longer duplicate in the first round of the second half.
  • If you have the bomb in your inventory, it will now appear on your back and disappear if you equipped the bomb.
  • When you start to defuse the bomb, it now plays a sound.
  • Fixed a bug where you aren’t looking at your dead character if you died at the same time the round ended.
  • Fixed a bug where you can’t pickup the bomb.
  • Fixed a bug where planted bomb(s) are not cleaned up after the round ended.
Release notes for 3/27/2024


  • Chairs no longer throw upon RMB click.


  • After 40 seconds the round started, the buy menu is unavailable.
  • If you die during the buy phase, you will get teleported back to your spawn as intended.
  • Killaward is no longer awarded multiple times.


  • Fixed radar alignments.
  • Player icon outline shows their player color, instead of their team color, after half point.
  • Enemies’ nametags no longer appear.
  • If you kill a player, it will no longer shows the same player as the assister.
  • Killfeed no longer posts kills 3 times.


  • Fixed an bug where if the player’s FPS uncapped, the viewmodel bob would move too much.
  • Camera returns back to player after the match ended.
  • Patched some vulnerabilities in backend
  • chairin’ now supports Bloxstrap Rich Presence.
Release notes for 3/25/2024


  • Added nametags for teammates, so you can see where they are at and their health.
  • Scoreboard now shows the player’s kills, deaths, and assists.
  • If a kill is assisted, it will now display in the killfeed.
  • A message now shows when a player joins or leaves.
  • Removed chat message incoming sound.


  • Removed arm collision, this allows climbing ladders to be easier.
  • A sound now plays when an explosion happens.
  • Bloxxer character now has shades instead of a ski mask.
  • Roblox’s default freecam is removed.
Release notes for 3/24/2024


  • After you planted the bomb, you will equip your weapon (chair or knife).


  • Awhile dead, the radar, inventory panel, and crosshair is not visible until you are back in the round.


  • When you focus on the bomb/player, you will be able to move your camera but still locked onto the focused object.
Release notes for 3/22/2024 Night


  • When a C4 explodes, the explosion will hurt any players within the 100 studs radius.


  • Fixed radar’s alignment to the map.


  • When a player dies to fall damage, it now gets posted on the kill feed.
Release notes for 3/21/2024 Night


  • Spawn layouts are added! (only one ATM), every player on the team will be on their own spot rather than spawning in one position every time.
  • Player pinging updates
    • When you ping, it will now show the location of the ping instead of a “?”.
    • When a player pings, their previous ping will disappear.
    • There is now a 0.4 second cooldown when pinging.
    • Ping color now shows the player’s color (blue, orange, yellow, green, purple) on their team.


  • Upon knifing a player’s torso, the giving damage will now base off if the player knifed the back or front.
  • Knife’s giving damage is now reduced by armor.
  • Removed damage delay when knifing a player.


  • Fixed a critical bug where the camera-to-body rotation wouldn’t work at all.
  • Fixed a critical bug where if the player with armor is hit by a chair, the chair will always act like the chair deals 35 damage, regardless of what it is.
Release notes for 3/20/2024 Night


  • When you die, the crosshair and other HUDs disappear until the death UI disappears.
  • Updated death vignette to look less transparent.
  • Updated crosshair’s scaling.


  • Upon death, your dead body will still remain in the world until the round ends.
  • When the dead camera resorts to your death position, it will focus on your dead body rather than where you died.
Release notes for 3/20/2024


  • Upon killing a player (in Bomb Defusal), you will be awarded money, and the amount is depended on the weapon you used.
    • Hightier weapons: award 300
    • Midtier weapons: award 600 (Toilet Chair awards 300)
    • Bottomtier weapons: award 300
  • When you get money, the game will now tell you why you were awarded money in the chat.


  • Cache received a major update
    • Bombsite B is added, and is plantable there, but is not accessible at the moment.
    • B Halls and Sun Room were added, but is not accessible at the moment.
    • Sun Room (Counter-Bloxxers’ entrance to B) was added, but is blocked off at the moment.
    • Outside (Bloxxers’ entrance to B) was added, but is blocked off at the moment.
    • The vent at Mid now leads to Checkers by B, and is also blocked off.
Release notes for 3/19/2024


  • While waiting for the round to end, you will spectate a player’s camera, the planted bomb, or where you last died as a last resort.
  • If armor is still at 100% health after a round ends, it will remain unbuyable until its health is lower than 100% in the next round.
Release notes for 3/14/2024


  • The amount of damage an armor will take, will now no longer accept numbers lower than 0.
Release notes for 3/12/2024


  • Game now ends when a team wins 9 out of 16 rounds. (usually half way point + 1)


  • When the game ends, a little temporary text shows the game has ended and later removes the defusal gamemode HUD.
  • When the player “respawns”, the area indicator disappears and will return until the player enters an area with a callout.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s color on a team wouldn’t show in some conditions.
    • Players’ colors now show to everyone in the whole game, rather than just one player.
Release notes for 3/11/2024


  • Updated C4’s planted model and its beep sound and light.
    • Beep can only be heard up to 50 studs away now.
    • The blinking light can not be seen through walls anymore.
Release notes for 3/10/2024


  • Game is longer in development stage.
    • Updates will still be pushed. It’s just that the game’s plans are finished and major bugs are fixed.


  • C4 is now a mesh, instead of a placeholder part.
  • C4 now has its own animations, instead of the chair animations.


  • Fixed a bug where the defuse kit would still be buyable, although owned.
  • Health counter’s outline glows green upon gaining health.
  • Improved death UI to act more reliable and show intended death text.


  • Fixed a bug where the armor’s health wouldn’t reduce upon absorbing damage.
  • Updated the fall damage formula to base off time and fall distance: (airtime * falldist)*1.2
  • Respawn time reverted to 3 seconds.
  • Players that died right before another round will start, will respawn back into the next round as intended, regardless of time.
  • Updated mobile controls.
Release notes for 3/9/2024


  • Fixed a bug where if the targeted player doesn’t have a helmet and was headshotted, their health wouldn’t decrease


  • Killfeed now shows a red outline if you killed someone, instead of showing the outline when you died to someone.


  • Improved camera-to-body rotation reliability.
Release notes for 3/8/2024


  • Fixed a bug where the original owner of a chair would still see it’s chair’s cooldown, although not having it anymore and not being the one who threw it.
  • Chairs no longer register hits if the player has a ForceField instance in them.
  • Chairs no longer have collisions with players at all.
Release notes for 3/7/2024


  • World model weapons no longer block chairs from hitting player, and instead just get ignored.


  • Knife now shows its icon on the kill feed upon kill.


  • Updated how armor works.
    • Armor now always deals (Damage)*(Armor penetration), regardless of armor health.
    • Damage dealt to the armor is now always 50% of blocked damage (Damage-(After armor penetration)) / 2
Release notes for 3/6/2024


  • Small rebalance update: All chairs had their speed buffed, so that way it’s more likely to hit somebody. This may change in the future though.


  • New alert UI, it now looks more simple and has a perfect size for all screens.
  • New defuse UI, the UI is made to look more cleaner and it now has a perfect size for all screeens.
  • New scoreboard UI. Currently the UI still shows players in each team, the new one just has its design refreshed.
  • Rewrote the killfeed code, it should act more reliable and optimized.
  • Updated a few designs in the buy menu.
  • Chat input box no longer clears when another player sends a message.
  • Fixed an issue where the inventory display would disappear after the player died.


  • Fixed an issue where Counter-Bloxxers would instantly win the round, although the bomb is still planted.
  • Fixed some issues with the camera-to-body rotation, which caused it to act weird and game-breaking.
  • Buying the defuse kit will now fade out and no longer be buyable as expected.
  • Respawn times were shorten.
Release notes for 3/5/2024


  • The chat message input box now scrolls right when the text you are typing no longer fits the box.
  • Fixed a bug where some buy buttons in the buy menu would not detect mouse input due to another UI element being in the way.


  • Fixed a bug where buying the defuse kit wouldn’t give you a kit.
  • When you ragdoll/unragdoll, the camera would focus into the character/first person immediately.
Release notes for 3/4/2024


  • Lowered player limb hit cooldown.
  • All dropped chairs are now visible as intended.
  • Fixed a glitch where chairs would sometimes not detect any hit at all.


  • Made squeaky’s door bigger at de_cache and changed the wall’s alignments.


  • Fixed inventory display code.
    • Also fixed a bug where the inventory slot would duplicate every time you equip an item.
  • Updated default item icon.
  • Updated Knife’s item icon.
  • Pick up indicator now shows the aimed at chair’s display name and not its ‘data name’.


  • Optimized backend code for the inventory system.
Release notes for 3/3/2024


  • Rebalance update: Chairs now deal a lot more damage, resulting in less hits and shorter chairfights. Some chairs also one-shot on the head.
  • Once a player is hit by a chair, it won’t detect a hit from that chair until after 0.5 seconds.
    • This is to prevent the chair from detecting multiple limbs, which results in too much damage being dealt.
  • Chairs no longer waits 1.5 seconds to stop detecting for player collision after hitting a non-player object.
    • It only stops detecting after the chair’s velocity magnitude reaches below 20.
  • Chairs no longer have collision after 1.5 seconds, but instead always being able to pass-through (it can still hit players, think of it like a bullet).
  • Recliner Chair now has its own viewmodel, instead of using the Armchair’s viewmodel.
  • Removed hit functions, an unused feature.


  • Improved chat’s line sizing.
  • Killfeed should now post kills and deaths as intended.
  • Defusing UI timer now disappears upon player’s death.


  • Fixed armor absorption formula again, should now work as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where players can keep the bomb from the previous round to the next round.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat wouldn’t filter any messages.
  • Added a badge, “Alpha Tester”, which is obtainable upon joining and is only available until the game’s alpha testing stage ends.
Release notes for 3/2/2024


  • Removed player flinging on hit: This was removed due to it being extremely game breaking, not smooth, and very unreliable.
  • Removed player ragdoll on hit: This was removed alongside flinging, as it was very abusive and whoever hit the target first would gain an extremely high advantage over the target, and there wouldn’t be an easy way of escape.
  • Added visual hit effects! Upon hitting a player, a hit effect will be made and positioned at the center of the limb that was hit.
  • When chairs get thrown, they are placed at the player’s camera position rather than the actual character’s tool position, so aiming is more accurate.
  • Fixed an issue where the knife would attack, although the user didn’t hold down LMB.


  • Heaven at A site in de_cache, had it’s floor more thicker to prevent player’s legs from clipping and then being visible.


  • Fixed an issue where the defuse timer UI would still show, although the player stopped defusing.
  • Fixed an issue where the player list in scoreboard had it’s text glitching.


  • Fixed an issue where you would be able to keep you armor & helmet from the previous half to the second half.
Release notes for 3/1/2024


  • Updated every chair’s armor penetration values.
    • Wooden Chair: 10% → 77.5%
    • Plastic Chair: 10% → 77.5%
    • Recliner Chair: 10% → 100%
    • Foldable Chair: 10% → 70%
    • Office Chair: 10% → 70%
    • Armchair: 10% → 90%
    • Toilet Chair: 10% → 60%
    • Study Chair: 10% → 57.5%
    • School Chair: 10% → 65%
    • Director Chair: 10% → 75%
    • Wooden Stool: 10% → 47.5%
    • Metal Stool: 10% → 50.5%
    • Rolling Stool: 10% → 64%
    • Bar Stool: 10% → 93.2%


  • Update armor damage absorption formula.
Release notes for 2/29/2024


  • Knife’s raycast length was extended. (4 studs → 6 studs)
  • Defusing updates
    • You can no longer defuse the bomb while ragdolled.
    • If you ragdoll while defusing, the defuse timer will stop and break.


  • Added a buy zone at spawns in chairs_thetest.


  • Death indicator only disappears if the player is respawned into the match.
  • Removed default Roblox proximity prompt UI from the bomb.


  • Fixed a bug where the defuse proximity prompt would still work for the Bloxxer team.
  • Fixed an issue where the Armor and Helmet buy button wouldn’t work.
  • Fixed an issue where some Armor and Helmet conditions do not result in anything. (when attempting to buy something)
Release notes for 2/28/2024


  • Removed the added 1.5 seconds to ragdoll time.
  • C4 is now droppable, even after player’s death.


  • Fixed some overlapping radar callout detection in de_cache, which caused the callout text glitching out.


  • Optimized the kill feed and death UI to show accurate information.
  • Fixed a bug where the radar’s rotation gets glitched out.
  • Fixed another bug where the radar’s map would look tilted.


  • Fixed a bug where the Counter-Bloxxers would automatically win the round after they kill all the team awhile the bomb is still planted.
  • Fixed an issue where if you already clicked LMB while having the C4 equipped would result in forcing you to plant the bomb once you step onto a bombsite.
  • Fixed an issue where you continue to plant while being ragdolled.
  • Fixed a bug where players who are ragdolled can still be hit.
  • Fixed a bug where the Study and Office chair would not detect hits, due to the chair’s hit sound being missing.
  • Fixed a bug where thrown chairs wouldn’t be cleaned up after a round ends.
  • Fixed a case where the viewmodel would reappear if you equip an item while ragdolled.
  • Fixed a case where chairs can still be thrown while ragdolled.
  • Fixed server’s back code related to the inventory.
Release notes for 2/27/2024


  • Fixed an issue where weapons do not detect LMB clicks after they planted the bomb.
  • Fixed another issue where players are able to get duplicate bombs.
Release notes for 2/26/2024


  • Thrown chairs now detect collision immediately after it was thrown instead of waiting 1.50 seconds.
    • Players will still be affected by already-impacted chairs (if they were hit less in less than 1.5 seconds), but it won’t detect non-player objects after it impacts an object.
  • Reduced velocity values for when the chair hits an object.
  • Removed outlines from weapons that still include outlines.


  • Optimized server’s backend.
  • Fall damage now bases off the height of the fall, instead of fall height and velocity.
    • Fall damage’s formula was adjusted.
  • Knife’s equip bind is three instead of four.
Release notes for 2/25/2024


  • Added pullout animations, which adds a 0.3 second delay before chairs are throwable. This applies to every weapon and item in the game.
  • The Knife now has a new pullout sound instead of using the default.


  • The callout indicator no longer disappears if the player’s character is not detected to be in a callout area, but it would now just show where the player last was detected.
  • The throw cooldown UI was updated to look consistent to the rest of the UIs in the game.
  • Added a FPS and Ping counter.


  • Fixed an issue where holding down LMB or RMB would glitch out the Knife’s animation.
  • Added a 0.1 second cooldown when switching between weapons to avoid any animation glitches.
  • Fixed an issue where starting/default stools would sometimes not be given to the player when expected to.
  • Fixed some things on the server’s backend.
Release notes for 2/24/2024 Night


  • Reverted de_cache’s colors
  • Added more areas with their callouts in de_cache.


  • Adjusted team scores and player list spacing to look consistent on all screens.


  • Fixed an issue where chairs wouldn’t be given when expected to in the defusal gamemode.
  • Fixed an issue where players would stay ragdolled for no reason.
  • Optimized and fixed some bugs in defusal.
  • Fixed an issue where the buy menu doesn’t work at all.
Release notes for 2/19/2024


  • Added colors to some boxes in de_cache.


  • Added a radar! This will help you find your position on the map and maybe help you locate places. This only shows your position and nothing else…yet.
  • Added something that tells your current location’s callout! This will help you easily identify where you are and what you will be calling out!
  • Updated the end of round result HUD.
  • Updated some UIs to have a darker border.


  • Fixed an issue where weapons would attack when unintended.
  • Updated the knife slash viewmodel to look more smooth.
  • Lowered jump height to make boxes less easier to jump and also made movement slower to make it more diffcult.
  • Added a system that efficiently starts a gamemode and load the map for a later added feature.
Release notes for 2/18/2024 Night


  • New chairs added!
    • Added chair, Recliner Chair: A weapon exclusive to the Bloxxers and is similar to the Wooden Chair, but better with some heavy trade-offs and costs $3,000.
    • Added chair, Armchair: The Recliner Chair’s counterpart for the Couner-Bloxxers, better than the foldable chair, but has a slower cooldown and costs $3,300.


  • Console UI is updated to look more modernized.


  • Fixed a glitch where you would do the attack function for the equipped weapon while trying to buy something in the buy menu.
  • Knife’s slash viewmodel animation updated to have a lower length.
Release notes for 2/17/24


  • New chairs added!
    • Added chair, Director Chair: A weapon to use for people who don’t like to run at others to kill them! Costs $1,200 and is available to all teams.
    • Added chair, Bar Stool: A very powerful weapon that almost has the same stats are a high-tier chair! Although being the best, it has a long cooldown time and has a ragdoll time of 0.8. Costs $700 and is also available to all teams as well.


  • Round result HUD refreshed to look consistent.
  • Version Indicator moved to top right and was updated.


  • Spamming crouch key while holding a movement key (W,A,S,D) no longer makes the character move awhile it isfrozen.
  • Crouching now slows down players by 50% as intended.
  • Defusing timer HUD no longer appears for Bloxxers.
  • C4 Explosive on the inventory display no longer shows “X” emoji. (now shows 5)
  • Fixed a bug where C4s aren’t being given to a random Bloxxer player.
Release notes for 2/14/24


  • Added chair, “ump_replacement_chair”.


  • Holding down throw keybind for chairs will constantly throw until the user stops holding down that key.
  • Study Chair’s model is updated and now has a larger hitbox.
  • Minor HUD adjustments
Release notes for 2/13/24


  • New chairs added to the game!
    • School Chair: A mid-tier weapon that was taken to combat from a battler’s school himself. A very fast weapon, with low cooldown, but doesn’t deal great damage, which is a trade-off. Exclusive to Counter-Bloxxers only for $1,250.
    • Study Chair: Like the school chair, it has a slightly bigger hitbox due to it’s attached desk. A bigger hitbox, hits harder than its counterpart, and deals good damage. But isn’t good in some factors like it’s cooldown time.
    • Toilet Chair: Sold to both teams, only for $1,700. A very good chair as it has low cooldown times, but doesn’t hit as hard as normal.

That’s all.

Release notes for 2/11/24 Night


  • New chair, Rolling Stool: Can be bought for $300, sold for both teams, and is a good alternative to your starting pistol!


  • The knife now includes a primary (LMB) and secondary attack (RMB). Its cooldown times are 0.5 and 1, respectively. There is no differences with the damages yet.
  • toilet_chair registered to item database as “Toilet Chair”, expected to be added to defusal soon as a buyable item from both teams (CBs and Bs)
  • Inventory system and dropping/picking up items system optimized
Release notes for 2/8/24

This update fixes and adds missing features to the game. Big releases should not be expected, as we’ve been figuring out new chairs to add.


  • de_cache received a geometry fix


  • New equipment
    • Armor + Helmet: Absorbs damage from chairs, however gets penetrated. The helmet does the same thing, but for the head and does not get penetrated, but only breaks when the Armor does.
    • Defuse Kit: Cuts down defuse time by 50% (10s → 5s).
  • New chair added
    • Metal Stool: The counterpart of the Wooden Stool, which can only be brought by the Counter-Bloxxers.
    • toilet_chair: A small hitbox, but very good in some occasions. At the moment, this is not added into the full-game, but only accessed by developers to work on it’s balancing.


  • Revamped buy menu: An update was added to the buy menu and is no longer using the placeholder version.
  • Defusing updates: Defusing the bomb now shows a UI that shows the progress. It also shows if you are defusing with kit or without


  • Viewmodel position adjusted to be lower.
  • Default hold and throw animations are updated.


  • Gravity is changed to 145 u/s, to better align the movement system with the Source engine.
  • Air friction and regular friction values updated to be similar.
  • Character jump heights lowered to 5 (previously 7.2) to adjust to the new gravity changes.


  • Players who respawn from previous round now receive their starting stool as expected
Release notes for 2/1/24


  • New map added: chairs_thetest, can only be accessed through loadmap. This map is to test special blocks.


  • New cooldown cut-down feature: If you hit someone with a chair, your cooldown is cut by 50%! This is to award players for hitting an enemy, and penalize the other for whiffing their throws.
  • New weapons!
    • Plastic Chair: The plastic chair is the second most expensive high-tier weapon in the game costing $1,800! Not the best, but good if you need to buy something.
    • Office Chair: This chair is similar to the plastic chair, as it can be used as a fallback weapon if you can’t buy a foldable chair! Costing around $2,250!
    • Wooden Stool: The wooden stool is the counterpart of a pistol, the wooden stool has a 1 second cooldown, but is very slow and doesn’t deal great damage. But, still good for the start of rounds.
  • Chair heaviness: Chairs now slow down players if it’s equipped! All chairs have unique heaviness. Some items do not slow down players like C4s, and knives.


  • Refreshed UI: Some UIs have been refreshed to look better and more consistent!
  • New Killfeed: If you die, or die to someone it will now be recorded on the kill feed! To alert players that someone died.


  • Movement updates: Players can now air strafe a little more easier, as it’s physical properties have been adjusted.
  • Refreshed Knife viewmodel animation: The knife’s viewmodel is updated and is no longer farther way, it’s stabbing animation is still the same. Nothing else has been changed except for the viewmodel animation.
  • New command mechanic: Like in the Source games, if you want to fire all commands in one line, you can separate every command with a “;”, with no space after it (otherwise it wont work)
Release notes for 1/27/24 This is the oldest documented update so far. This update brings new big features that are important.
  • New map added: de_cache (only contains CT Spawn, A, middle, & T Spawn)
  • New weapons
    • Foldable Chair: Exclusive to CB side, and is the counter-part of the Wooden Chair. Fast, but doesn’t damage as badly as the Wooden Chair
    • Knife: Allows you to stab enemies, you can use the primary and secondary attacks.
  • Player pinging: By simply clicking Mouse5, you can ping wherever your crosshair aims at to alert players of approaching enemies or need of assistance.
  • Dropping weapons: You can now drop weapons on the ground if you don’t need the weapon you have!
  • New team skins: You will now become a character according to your team, there is only 2 skins and they are the default.

hi :exploding_head:

hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi