Release of Quizz (A game like Kahoot)!

Hi, I made this game called Quizz, a Game similar in functionality to Kahoot. It is cross-server Capable and stores real-time ratings and quizzes.

If you’ve ever wanted to play a game like Kahoot in Roblox then here you go!


Hai ya👋 @XmcElectricity! I love the idea of bringing a Kahoot like game to Roblox… But there are a few things I noticed.:point_down:

Capturing The Player😏:

1.) On the “ebic quiz” specifically the first question was… “How old is a banana?” That isn’t going to have 1 answer because a banana is old depending on the time it was grown. Choosing more reasonable questions to create a fun player experience might be a great idea!:grinning:

2.) Some of the quiz tests have an enormous amount of questions compared to the others considering that there are 1 or 2 questions on alot of them. For Example: There are 2 questions on the math quiz but about 20 on another quiz.

Spending the extra time to create more reasonable questions would be a great idea!:blush:

Decreasing Player Frustration😡:

DIFFICULTY SETTINGS, bravo bravo👏 for creating the game but knowing the material of a quiz test would be amazing! Setting up a summary for each quiz would likely decrease player frustration within your game.:relaxed:

Great concept overall!:sunglasses:


I love the questions because I couldn’t answer any of the questions.

It’s actually 3 if you follow follow the order of operations: divide 2 by 2 first and then add 2.


I don’t know why but I really like the background music. The game is cool too!! The uhh, poop question got my vision…???

so the quizz’s you’re referring to is not made by me if you look who its by it tells who made it, also thanks for the genre idea(Probably gonna get added sometime soon)