Released Cooking Game

I have made several posts about it, but it’s now released and open. Enjoy and let me know what you think.


I think the game has massive potential. The game was quite fun to play through and the concept was relatively unique. I do have some suggestions for development.

1.) In the tutorial, I sometimes had to take a moment to find the arrows at the appliances that I needed to head to. I would suggest that you give the appliances another pointer; for example, like a UI element that points towards the appliance that you need to go to.

2.) Display all the recipes you will have to create in a round before it starts, so people can get a form of ‘muscle memory’ to be more productive during the timeframe where customers appear.

If you have any questions on these suggestions, feel free to ask!


The user interface has been revisited since then. Feel free to check it out here.

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you put the wrong link, this is the correct link straight to it

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