Releasing Character Physics Controllers

Sometimes while walking on wedges with high friction, your character gets stuck in this weird mid-air-like state.

Is this intended?


thank you! I have curious for a long time for when will this release. I am about to write Hacky humanoid script for manual physic. Lucky that I notice update


I am in need of what GroundController does for animals in game cuz I donā€™t want to raycast all the time as they move, thank you. Though I made the part drop from a height and the controller stopped working out of nowhere, then when I clicked Stop on Studio, it crashed.

The GroundController stops working when the part under it gets deleted.

Could GroundController have a way to ignore objects? I donā€™t know if this uses Raycast internally, but if so, could there be a RaycastParams that is set as a property which is then usedā€¦?

I still donā€™t know how to use the ControllerPartSensor since I didnā€™t get any sort of result from it, am I expecting it to always show a part in SensedPart if there is a floor under the right distance? Cuz if so it isnā€™t happening.

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Does this let you change the HumanoidRootPart hitbox? :thinking:

Without messing with the hip height or something, and create AABB?


I have some questions about this new addition to Roblox startercharacters.

  1. What changes will we expect when the promised duck and crouch from RDC 2023 are released for developers?

  2. Will this, at some point in the future, become a normal addition to avatars and already be able to easily be put together through studio on its own?

  3. When the non-beta version of this is released, can we be provided with a guide on the Roblox Creator Hub?


this is a new toy to mess with haha thanks :slight_smile:

also, is this a bug or i have to configure it?


This is genious!

I will definitively use this and Iā€™m totally looking forward to this!
This will be used surely for great things.

This is a step in the right direction!


elasticity is bounciness. currently, the only way to make parts bouncy to the character is to make collision groups that cant collide with HumanoidRootParts, but then you cant jump on the bouncy parts, and theres a chance that the bouncy parts make you trip and not bounce.
bounce.wmv (599.1 KB)


You have to use both scripts provided. One goes in ServerScriptService and the other in StarterCharacter.

Make sure you put the ServerScriptService script in a regular script while you put the StarterCharacter script into a LocalScript


oh thanks i was extremely confused


This is a demoknight tf2 moment waiting to happen.


If EvaluateStateMachine = false for a StarterHumanoid or a Humanoid parented to the StarterCharacter the UpperTorso and LowerTorso will be set to CanCollide = true on spawn. It would be great if this changed so we donā€™t have to set it manually on spawn.


Was able to create a repo. Destroying a part underneath a humanoid and then cloning back a new one causes weird behavior. I donā€™t believe this is intentional (Unless we are suppose to create our own state to replicate the Getting up behavior of humanoids). There is also the issue of crashes, having multiple humanoids (30-50) doing this will cause studio to crash 90% of the time.

If anyone comes across this and wants a temporary fix for this. Here you go, creating a new Controller Manager fixes it at the cost of preformance Iā€™m sure.

game["Run Service"].PostSimulation:Connect(function()
	local Distance = (script.Parent.LeftFoot.Position.Y - script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.ControllerPartSensor.HitFrame.Position.Y)

	if Distance < 0 then -- Basically checking if the Feet have fallen through whatever part the Part Sensor found
		local clone = script.Parent.ControllerManager:Clone()
		clone.Parent = script.Parent

Attached is a repo file.



Iā€™ve been wondering how did they make robot 64?


Unrelated to this specific update, but after updating Studio today Iā€™ve noticed it being incredibly laggy. Its using up as much of my GPUā€™s resource as are available to it, whereas before it would only use maybe 20-40%. I have an MSI 3060ti, so this should not be happening. Please look into this immediately.

EDIT: after disabling the VR mode in the rendering section of studio settings, this issue went away. Please stop force-enabling new features and settings by default that are not tested on a variety of systems for stability and performance.


Thatā€™s what they are doing. They are testing the new features with a variety of systems, and one of those is yours. Provide helpful feedback on how preformant it is, as well as your relevant system information! :+1:


This has got to be one of the best news ever announced at Roblox. I love Chickynoid, but to see it implemented officially would be the next level. This is the true anti-cheat we needed.


An egg of culture, I see.


I also encounter this issue itā€™s more frequent when character switching to new part during climbing
(When I said frequent I mean that it happen most of the time but not every time)

EDIT: I forget to mention that these two part have different Orientation

Brown Part: 0,0,0
Blue Part: 0,0,-90

so maybe itā€™s something to do with orientation?


Iā€™m going to really enjoy experimenting with these controllers! The TurnSpeedFactor may particularly come in handy when working on mounts! A slower turn speed will make larger beasts feel much more weighty!

Iā€™m very excited to see how these features further progress!