Releasing Character Physics Controllers

this is a big step for BUILDING games into .exe right robelocks???

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Any timelines to when this is releasing? thanks.


when accelerating and decelerating the character do the animations slow down with the deceleration? or no?

And another question. Initializing the new controllers in the humanoid mean that it just replaces the physics right? Does it mean that the controllers work with a humanoid or independent of the humanoid?

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It looks like this could be helpful for future obstacle courses or FPSs.

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how do i disable the bounciness of the humanoid? it’s annoying…

EDIT: the torso is causing the bounciness… might look into making the torso cc false devs…

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does this mean you could disable all of the no-physics-allowed stuff that forcefully removes characters’ ability to trip or rotate vertically or bounce, and have 2007-style movement?


Please add support for R6, it would be very cool.


wait, it doesn’t already? pretty useless then


Regardless of rig type, you can use any that you’d like.


That’s great! This gives more power to the developers that can seriously help with doing what we want to do with our games. I may not get much use of these myself but I’m sure others will. FPS games, parkour games, movement shooters ect. will get a lot of use out of these.

Too bad it’s all going to be for naught if this policy update goes through.


Yes, just turn Humanoid.EvaluateStateMachine to false and it will do exactly nothing ever.


This is pretty neat and cool, I’m interested in how developers will use this in their game.

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Not useless if that’s the direction ROBLOX wants. Clearly they are gradually phasing out R6, so maybe it’s time you accept it.


That’s why you should push back against it 90% of the games i’ve worked on or working on runs r6 or a custom character that’s resembles it with bones, you can’t just undermine how big r6 for the platform.
mean while there is up to no big games that run rthro.


Most of it works (somewhat) some don’t but it should get patched up over time.

EDIT ( By somewhat i meant weird behaviors )

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they’re planning to remove it dude

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This is amazing, we absolutlly needed this, thank you, the system was easy to understand and I set it up quickly.
The MoveDirection and FacingDirection are more close to what the standard for controllers is like, and even if I worked with MoveTo for many years , its an objective upgrade for me, its just less messy.
Although my heart cracked when i benchmarked humanoids and controllers, the controllers with only a ground controller connected did about as good (exept for the CPU, they did worse) as humanoid with no enums disabled :sneezing_face: , I was excited to make thousands of enemies with this more barebones approch.

500 NPCs, Physics Controllers with only a ground controller:

500 NPCs, Humanoid with no enums disabled:

(All the npcs are moved in random directions every 5 seconds using a single loop.
For the controllers I made all parts can collide false and disabled touched and queries but added a new cylinder part welded to the root part that acts as the collision box.)


Plenty of games use exclusively R15… sorry your effort were “wasted” and roblox is gradually leaving out R6 developers, but it’s for the platform’s future i guess. The blocky look was cute for a while but it’s time to evolve and move on.


This is silly, roblox supports custom characters , and that includes R6, you just make a custom one that replicates it, its not an evolution its a stylistic choice, if you refer to the old R6 tecnology that’s a nother story, but descriving R6 like its an old phone is just not very clever.
And besides, what’s this thing about R6 not being supported, it works fine for me?


How does the ClimbSensor detect when a part is climbable? I want to try and replicate this mechanism, except with a higher range (climbing up 2 stud parts?)

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