(I have had this issue for as long as I can remember but never bothered to report it before. No one I’ve spoken to so far seems to have a similar problem, and while I can reproduce it with 100% certainty, I am unable to find anyone else who can.)
When playing a roblox game, if I hold right-click to move my camera around and then release it to move my cursor, my mouse movements will sometimes be completely ignored until I stop moving the mouse or change direction. Mouse button presses are still registered properly.
I must be moving my mouse the whole time, when I release right click while moving my mouse, my mouse will sometimes freeze.
Panning the camera horizontally or vertically will not cause the bug (I am holding and releasing right-click while moving the cursor in the same direction overtime): https://gyazo.com/6f29046dc518d55a6249c95b9c9c4054
Panning the camera diagonally will cause the cursor to stop completely until I stop moving the mouse or change direction (again, I am still moving the cursor after every camera pan): https://gyazo.com/4cb6f18d8b330b21d89119812e858542
Note that the bug does not occur in ROBLOX Studio, whether using the Edit mode camera or when playtesting the game. It however happens on the ROBLOX player, on every game. This bug does not happen outside of ROBLOX either.
So far I have tried reinstalling the player, using a different mouse or a touchpad, or updating their respective drivers, to no avail.
Dxdiag available upon request but I don’t think it’s needed.
Could you tell me what computer spec you have? I have this similar issue. Maybe it has to be related with our computers. I usually find this problem in this roblox game where I have to constantly move my mouse and pan my camera simultaneously, so having the mouse get frozen after panning the camera is a real nervewreck for me.
My specs are
GTX 1050
8gb ram
Windows 10 OS installed in m.2 SSD
Acer Nitro 5 (2018)
I found this post after getting tired of the bug from happening and I was surprised no one answered you, so I made a simple reply asking if any solutions was found, staff removed that reply and magically a Developer Relations has responded to you 3 months later and 3 days after I posted my removed reply.
Just read this and thought it never happened to me. I tested on my pc and I can confirm this happens to me too. I also played Roblox on another laptop and I was able to replicate the bug there. Anyone should easily be able to test this.
I use a Razer Deathadder Expert. Changing the DPI or polling rate of my mouse doesn’t do anything to affect the bug.
I installed Windows 10 on an HDD and it still happens to me.
I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?
Thank you for checking over. After testing I can conclude that the bug still persists, however having recently changed to a new mouse I find it slightly less likely for it to trigger said bug. It still happens from time to time however.
@Dev_GameStudio I have tried the custom camera script and found no difference in reproducing the issue.
I have. I’m also not sure how the video you sent shows the issue being resolved. My issue, independant of shift lock, is that if I try to move my cursor in one direction and release right-click during that movement, the cursor will stop as soon as I release right click, even while moving the mouse. Are we talking about the same issue here?
I can confirm this bug (or a variant of it) still exists. It’s extremely odd and frustrating when it occurs. Here’s what I’ve done to troubleshoot:
Bug does not occur on MacOS Mojave, but does on the latest version of Windows 20H2 (exactly same hardware save for a different hard drive)
Bug persists through clean Windows installs (I installed a fresh version of Windows 10 Pro today and the bug still occurs, no change from my past version of Windows 10 Home)
I run a 2009 Mac Pro with an X5680 processor and an RX 580.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to try a different mouse (tyzone above says that different mice impact the frequency of the bug, so this will hopefully confirm that). Sorry for commenting on this old post but this bug definitely impacts the gaming experience of those who suffer from it.
Thank you!