Rello is a very simple to use Trello plugin that is designed to make manaing cards and lists easily without having to leave studio!
How To Install
To install simply download the plugin from the roblox website. Rello V1 - Roblox
How To Use
Rello is very simple to use and intuitive. You start by clicking the icon which will open up the window. You can navigate through the windows by simply clicking the different tabs above.
This first tab is the settings tab where you configure your API Key, Token and Board Id. To get your API Key and Token visit this link and follow the directions. After that you need to input your BoardID which is the numbers and letters in the trello link after the /b/.
Once you update the info simply save using the button and you are all set.
The second tab is the lists tab where you can create and archive lists by simply typing in the name.
The next tab is the cards tab where you can create and archive cards. The due date for the card is the only field you dont need to enter and is optional.
Once you go through the steps and click create it will then bring you back to the main menu where you can now publish your changes. There will be status info on the bottom left of the window that will state if it sucessfully published changes. If the status info states it was successful but it did not change in the trello make sure to check your info and that all the fields are valid such as checking if you mistyped a list name. If it errors you can send me the error info which will be printed out into the studio output. I can be contacted on the plugins github , this devforum page, or my discord jakebball11#3826.