Remake of the Roblox Main Menu

Hello! I tried creating a remake of the Roblox Main Menu when inside a game. Here’s how it turned out:

What should I add/remove? Thanks in advance!

Edit: I’m planning on creating more to it, but I ran out of ideas.


looks good to me.

just a bit concerned with the abundance of dead space on the bottom, i feel like something should be there in place. (maybe the friends list could go down there and could be layed out horizontally or idk lol)

other than that, i find this UI alot less overwhelming and more user-friendly in comparison to the default, so yea good job :smiley:


Thank you! I’m planning on creating something in the bottom left corner, but I’m not sure how to make it look good without adding unusual sizing to it. I’ll probably figure out some sort of widget to add to it, kind of like the friends list that you said.


making a frame at the bottom with viewport frames of the player’s friends or friends in game could look really cool. but otherwise this looks really nice like ROBLOX Xbox UI Nice. it just really looks that good.


this is great buttt. as @AutoGamerChadYT said mayber add more flair

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