Remakeable - A free and easy-to-use design editor for Roblox clothing and more

Hi everyone,

We made a free online 3D design tool called Remakeable ( The goal of the tool is to enable people without strong design skills (like myself :sweat_smile:) to design clothing and other 3D UGC assets in the future. Because of this goal, we made it very intuitive and easy to use.

Here are some highlight features :point_down:

Easy customizations from the outfits library

The fastest way to get started is to remake one of our prebuilt outfit designs at our discover page

The editor is based on layers, so you have a lot of freedom to customize including

  • Change colors
  • Add/remove images, shapes and texts
  • Position and resize
  • Arrange layer’s sorting order

See our editor in action here

1-click import using existing Roblox templates

Another great way to start is by uploading your existing Roblox templates. Our tool will auto-identify images of body, arms and legs and import them to layers in the editor.

If you are a professional designer, this is also a great utility for you to preview design on high-resolution 3D avatar without opening Roblox Studio or spending Robux to upload.

Free to download and share

All your designs are saved in your account and can be exported as Roblox standard templates.

If you wish to share your designs with others, you can publish to make it public. Then others will be able to find and remake your designs in the discover screen.

Full mobile support

The web editor is fully compatible on mobile phones and tablets. For complex designs, the performance may suffer a bit.

Try it out at If you find it helpful (or not at all), we would love to hear your feedback. Thanks a lot!


I am not a Clothing Designer myself, but I can tell this tool will be extremely handy for the ones that master the art. I really love the website UI, it is very fluent and user-friendly. Definitely, one of the must-know resources for a clothing designer, and I might as well use it in the future, since creating clothes looks very easy with this tool. Cheers for providing us with this. :slightly_smiling_face:


This is incredible! I hope that no one comes like they usually do to this type of posts and convert it into a discussion about cons and pros…

This is perfect, no bad things at all. It remembers me of community-made pages like Minecraft Skins where users can post but also edit skins in a very intuitive and easy manner. The editor, as said, is really intuitive, smooth and complete. I’m sure that additions can and will be made but for now, it’s amazing to see resources like this.

And to be honest, I see this as a useful resource for developers more than for players since you always end up needing some clothes for your game even though not all players have the need to design clothes. Anyways, It’s obvious that these tools serve for both.

Amazing tool! :clap:

Quick edit: Also, it could be even better if you added some info about the service at the bottom of the page like: privacy, terms, cookie options, copyright statement? It usually makes users feel safer when using your services.


This is absolutely insane, @superfive310. Incredible work - one of the best ROBLOX tools I’ve seen in my time on the platform.


Wow looks amazing
total insanity how long it must’ve taken


Wow, this is impressive! It’s really well polished and seems super easy to use, especially for beginners. Great job :happy1:


not a clothing designer but as a ui designer i love every part of the ui


This is the best designed website UI I’ve seen in a long time, very user friendly and easy to navigate.

Well done! :ok_hand:

could do with shading presets for clothes and hoods


This is amazing, but I do have a request. Could it be made possible to edit for R15 along with r6, ad edit for other packages (say 2.0). Other than that, this is great!


Yes, we are planing to add those models soon!


Hi there, firstly; this resource is incredible! Secondly, why is the SSL certificate issued to ? All I know is boleto means ticket in Spanish, and the domain sounds very sketchy. Do you know what the cause could be?

(also sorry for digging, i love playing around with certificates and stuff and it’s just a web developers main priority; security)

I have no idea why. We are just using google domain plus firebase hosting. That is hilarious though if Google is using that lol.

As a clothing designer, I can easily tell that this tool will speed up the process of designing clothes.

Not exactly sure what this is, ticket.astcarg.brazil seems odd. Maybe try emailing the hosting provider?

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Does your website have any interaction with the payment gateway; Stripe?
I do know that Stripe has a feature called ascarg boleto or something like that.

Here’s what your certificate is issued to:
(for safety purposes the link just redirects to example com just in case its a scam website or something)
Here’s a screenshot

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It appears this website has been shut down and some other AI company known as Rescene has taken the domain. I tried registering with a 10 minute mail and the registration doesn’t seem to work.

Sad to see this tool go when i needed it the most.


There is a similar website called customuse but it’s more tailored to beginners


I see. That should be very useful.

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I see that the site is no longer up. Are there any plans for this tool to return?

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I recommend using customuse instead

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