Remaking Battlefield 1942 in Roblox

Battlefield 1942 is an interesting game since it was the first one of it’s franchise.

Anyway, I plan to add more content in the future as almost all the assets and items in BF1942 were low quality and low poly with low res textures, and everything was just more barebones.

All the graphics and lighting effects will be tweaked into a more old shooter style so it doesn’t feel too modern, in terms of movement it’s most likely going to be using the current movement which has a lot of modern features (that didn’t existed in the original game).

Animations and sounds I will purposely make it look and sound absolutely bad so it actually feels more appropriate for this style of game.

(In summary: it’s just the same game just copied into Roblox with modern movement and a little bit more features)


This remake of Battlefield looks great! Nice job on it!

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