Remember the Old LEGO Games?... well, I could be re-making your childhood

That’s right, you read the title correct.

I’m basing my current project on LEGO Batman: The Videogame, the one that practically made my gaming childhood, and of course I’ve had to remove any copyrighted stuff (so it’s not DC-related or containing any lego logos).

It’s (currently?) called Spies in Action, and it’s designed to bring back what it was like playing those levels on your wii, or ds, or even your xbox 360. And yes, like those LEGO games, you can go around destroying stuff and picking up coins!

The current plan is to set it out into 8 levels, complete with 1 or 2 cutscenes for each so it follows a proper story. It’s based around 8 made-up villains, either completely new or from existing books/ topics - with the main villain being Doctor Jekyll, who is clearly going to be a horrific boss to script and then defeat, and yes there are bosses for each level.

I’m SO excited for this project to be finally released, but as of currently we have no idea of a release date.

Stay tuned, and any feedback to what you think so far is very much appreciated!


This Sounds Very Exciting, I Loved the Lego games But I Wasn’t Very Good At them. It Will Be Nice Seeing this Project Come to Life. :+1:


Sounds exciting! Can’t wait to try it out!


Interesting… I never finished any of the Lego games when I was younger, so I hope I can finish this one.

I would just mess around with the character customizer lol.


Sounds cool bro. Gonna be cool when you release it.


Make sure not to actually use any Lego-related stuff, wouldn’t be the first DMCA they do.


This sound really exiting! I remember i played lego star wars the complete saga a lot.


Yep, I know I’ve got to be really careful with content that can be seen as copyrighted. I’m pretty sure everyone remembers whenever Nintendo absolutely obliterated the ROBLOX Pokémon games :open_mouth:

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The idea seems cool! Let us know when the game will be out :+1:t2:


Keep it pretty Roblox Sthetic based, i have heard people have problems trying to make Lego related stuff in the platform for different reasons.


I would want to try this for sure, Bookmarking this post


I like the idea of remaking old nostalgia, just remember not to model/import direct lego assets into Roblox, someone had done this before and they got a warning for copyright. Love the concepts so far.

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Yeah, I would have used LDD to import models, but they all contain the lego logo, so I’ll just build my own models from scratch.

Can’t wait to play this! I used to play this game on my old console, very exciting! :smiley:

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Sounds pretty interesting, I never really played LEGO Batman as a kid specifically, the LEGO game I remember vividly was LEGO Indiana Jones, haha!

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UPDATE: Before release, it’s likely that I’ll want to do some playtesting before it’s officially released. Development is progressing well at the moment, but still can’t picture a release date.

However, when the time comes to do playtesting, I’ll contact anyone here who seems excited and interested to try the game out, and there may be some form of payment as a thanks.

Cheers, it looks like people are already looking forward to it!