Remodeled Ferrari, Opinions? How can I prove it?

I remodeled the Ferrari for my game, specifically the interior, this is the old one.

And this is the new one.

Thoughts? How can I improve it even more?


Here’s a clearer photo of the old one

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I dont personally like the concrete… since youre going for low poly, i suggest plastic

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Thanks! I’ll use that instead.

Show us to see what it looks like. Doesn’t look half bad though. Nice.

Once I’m on my computer tomorrow, I’ll make sure I send a screen shot of what it would look like

Sounds good :+1:t3: 3 0 chars

the new one defenitely looks better but why is it flat shaded

Sorry I’m late to the conversation.

I like what you’ve done, I think there’s definitely things you can improve but it looks great. Me, personally, I would get some difference for the interior. Having it all one texture seems quite bland to me. Even though a lot of people wont see it, it would be some really creative attention to detail.

I think you’ve done a great job, just make sure to add those little details, they go a long way.

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Yea, I think maybe mapping the model and using different textures on a lot of parts especially things like the steering wheel, the roof of the car, etc. I think the texturing is just the only thing that’s really off, but the model is amazing nonetheless.

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