Remote Controller - Fire remote events/functions at runtime

Hi devs, wanted to download such plugin, but there is none, so i became curious if i could make that plugin myself. This is my first plugin ever and the UI may be ugly.

Remote Controller Plugin v0.1.0

A plugin that allows you to trigger remote events and functions during play mode (aka runtime) AND pass any values, (aka arguments) to them. Good for testing your game’s network security from an exploiter’s perspective. Uses vLua.

Was built with Rojo and VSCode

Plugin: Remote Controller - Roblox ONLY WORKS AT RUNTIME (AKA PLAYMODE)
Model file: Remote Controller source - Roblox
Github repo: GitHub - martytyty2098/Remote-Controller-Plugin: Open source roblox plugin for triggering remote events/functions in roblox studio during play mode.

It does not appear in the marketplace or toolbox when searching, because of this:

How to use

Usage example: (1:20)

  1. AT RUNTIME (AKA PLAYMODE) click on the plugin icon


  1. Select any RemoteEvent or RemoteFunction in the explorer (you can select multiple)


  1. In the text box that appears, enter any valid value like this:

Or like this:

  1. Then click green button on the bottom or press enter on keyboard.

Let me know if you encounter bugs or have any questions.

It was exhausting. :face_with_spiral_eyes: Should i continue making plugins? :thinking:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Do whatever you want, why should i care?

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-- command line:

Nah bro im too lazy to type it every time :skull:

It’s almost like there’s a feature included with every modern os that can input it for you, couldn’t be though.

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Lazy? But you made an entire plugin! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This plugin would be a lot more practical if it lets you Control remotes. At the moment, it only fires them. Try adding these features:

  • Disable/Enable remotes (see note below)
  • Fire remotes on the server :white_check_mark:
  • Fire remotes on the client
  • Fire remotes periodically (user set time interval)
  • Refined UI (don’t worry if you can’t do this)
  • A log that shows all the times the RemoteEvent fired, and what was passed

The client will ignore FireServer requests when it’s parented to nil. This can be used to ‘disable’ remotes. However, scripts must rely on the fact that a variable points to these remotes, otherwise, it may cause them to error.


Yes, i should definitely add these two features:

I don’t expect that someone will actually use my plugin ever :melting_face: but this is still a good practice i guess :mending_heart:

Thank you for even bothering to write suggestions for me, I appreciate it. :pray:

I forgot to mention;

You do not need LoadStringEnabled to be true, since there are a bunch of hidden resources that allow you to compile a string into a function, like loadstring does. You can find this module instead of Kohls Admin, and somewhere deep in #resources:community-resources.

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Can you tell me one hidden resource that lets me compile (string → function)?

also I tried Dauser’s Error Searcher plugin which uses loadstring and I don’t need to enable LoadstringEnabled to get the plugin working

also your “main” named avodey told me to improve this

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I don’t know this plugin (never used it), but i think it does not require LoadStringEnabled because it works not at runtime, my plugin requires it because loadstring() is getting used at runtime by a server script inside ServerScriptService.

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I think I found one named vLua which does exactly like loadstring()

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Thanks for the resource, i tested it a little bit and it works, but this is still a “fan made resource” and not officially supported so it may not support every datatype (class) in roblox luau, especially when a new one comes out, so i will not rely only on vLua. What i will do is: i will make vLua process user input by default in a pcall and if pcall fails (because vLua cant handle the input), the program will try to fall back to the original loadstring() and the user will get notified that he needs to enable LoadStringEnabled if its not already enabled.

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Hey there, maintainer of vLua.

Although vLua does not support Luau at this time (support is coming! An interpreter is already available, but the community is still working on a compiler), it should support every data type. All vLua does is reimplement the compiler and intrepeter in Lua, effectively reimplementing the exact same functionality as you would see in vanilla Lua.

Basically, if you can do what you need before Luau was released (and Luau is backwards compatible with the old modified vanilla Lua VM Roblox used), then vLua can do whatever you need it to do without enabling Loadstring.



Hello, thanks for your suggestion, i did some more testing and could not find any datatype that vLua does not support, so i guess i will get rid of default loadstring completely. Thanks for your amazing resource. :medal_sports:

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Update v0.1.0

Cool numbers make me feel like a developer.

  • Removed the usage of default loadstring() in favor of vLua
  • You don’t need to enable LoadStringEnabled anymore
  • You don’t need to enable script injection anymore
  • Some other very small changes
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