Remote event and value instances acting weird

So basically when I try to send a message to the server from the client using a remote event, no matter what variable, value or string I send the server receives it as my roblox user name. Also when I try to read a value it prints nil even though the value clearly has something in it. This only started happening today.

can you show me the scripts, maybe i can help?

When you fire a RemoteEvent from the client using FireServer, the first argument the server recieves in OnClientEvent will the the Player who fired the event.

So for example if a LocalScript fires a RemoteEvent and passes an argument into the FireServer method, the Script would want to connect to the event looking something like this:

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(player, arg1)
   --arg1 will be the value you passed in from LocalScript

Quick correction that I assume was just a typo; the server would be listening for OnServerEvent to fire as a result of :FireServer() calls that were made by clients in the game.

To clarify for OP, OnClientEvent would be used in client-sided / local scripts so that the client knows when the server wants to communicate something (either through RemoteEvent:FireClient(player) for a specific player, or RemoteEvent:FireAllClients() for all players simultaneously).


Ahh yep, thats what I get for writing code blocks from my phone. Thanks for the correction and clarification!

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