Hello! Encountering a problem while transferring data tables via RemoteEvents from a client LocalScript to a server ServerScript. Despite correctly formatting and sending the data, the server receives nil values for the parameters.
local function orderCheck()
-- Get the LocalPlayer
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
-- Check if the LocalPlayer exists
if player then
-- Get the username of the player
local playerName = player.Name
-- Check the selected items in the buttons
local selectedItems = {}
for _, button in ipairs(clickedButtons) do
table.insert(selectedItems, button.Text)
-- Get the amount of CB
local totalCost = calculateTotalPrice()
-- Print the order information for debugging
print("Player: " .. playerName)
print("Selected Items: " .. table.concat(selectedItems, ", "))
print("Total Cost: " .. totalCost)
-- Fire a RemoteEvent to the server with the order information
ReplicatedStorage.remoteEvents:WaitForChild("orderInformationEvent"):FireServer(playerName, selectedItems, totalCost)
print("LocalPlayer not found.")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local tableFolder = script.Parent.Table
local chairsFolder = script.Parent.Chairs
local deliverAreaBoxesFolder = script.Parent.deliverAreasBoxes
local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage.remoteEvents:WaitForChild("orderInformationEvent")
remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(username, selectedItems, totalCost)
if username and selectedItems and totalCost then
-- Create a customer user object with the received data
local customerUser = {
username = username,
item1 = selectedItems[1],
item2 = selectedItems[2],
totalCost = totalCost
-- Example: Print the customer user object for debugging
print("Received order from customer:", customerUser.username)
print("Selected Item 1:", customerUser.item1)
print("Selected Item 2:", customerUser.item2)
print("Total Cost:", customerUser.totalCost)
print("Received invalid data from the client.")
I need a hand with this, I haven’t managed to make it work properly.