Remote Event Finder 2.0 | Plugin

Hello! This is my first plugin. It helps you find where RemoteEvents and BindableEvents are used in scripts.

Get the plugin here!

How it works:
First, enter an existing Remote Event or Bindable Event in the search bar.

Secondly, select the type of signal you want to search for in a script.

Thirdly, select the search button and the scripts that use the Remote Event (depending on the type of signal you want to find in Step 2).


Please let me know if there are any changes you think would be great for this plugin!

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Automatic list of every remote in your game (for the selected category such as sending) that the search bar influences, rather than searching the exact name

Add implementation for RemoteFunctions, might be useful.

Open-sourcing the plugins for contributions would be nice.

State its great purposes like helping people understanding how a game works if they were hired into a development midway its progress.

as someone who’s spent ages looking for where I’m firing(or receiving) an event, I wish I’d come across this sooner, as it would have saved quite a bit of time.

as was said, I think implementation for Remote/BindableFunctions would be very nice and helpful

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Any free asset on the marketplace is open-sourced.

Thank you for your suggestion! I’m already working on implementing your suggestions, I hope this plugin will be useful.