You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m trying to prevent a remote event from stacking each time I fire it.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
Each time I click an Image button in my shop system, it proceeds to fire correctly to the server, however each time I click an image button it fires and stacks up.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I’ve looked through a few of the dev forum posts around remote event stacking, however none of them have worked correctly for my situation, connection/disconnection, creating specific variables to prevent new triggers. It’s likely that I haven’t applied those solutions accordingly but I’m not sure where to go from here.
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
local playerUi = player.PlayerGui
local shopUi = playerUi.MainUI.Shop
local inGameUi = playerUi.InGameUi.InGame
local inLobbyUi = playerUi.MainUI.InLobby
local equipButton = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Equip
local equippedButton = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Equipped
local buyButton = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Buy
local shopEvent = rs.Remotes:WaitForChild("ShopEvent")
local buttonEvent = rs.Remotes:WaitForChild("ButtonEvent")
local buyEvent = rs.Remotes:WaitForChild("BuyEvent")
local equipEvent = rs.Remotes:WaitForChild("EquipEvent")
if shopUi.Visible == true then
for _,button : ImageButton in pairs(shopUi.ContentFrame.ItemContainer:GetChildren()) do --> Finds all the image buttons under Shop UI
local shimeStart =, 1.4, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, math.huge, false, 0.6)
if not button:IsA("ImageButton") then continue end
if shopUi.Visible == false then
elseif button.Name == "Legendary" or button.Name == "Mythic" then
if not button.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("ImageButton") then return end
local hammerClicked = button:FindFirstChild("Hammer").Value
shopEvent:FireServer(button, hammerClicked)
Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.
you make an if statement for when its visible but then
you check if it isnt. (which can never happen)
try this instead:
local shimes = {}
for _, button in shopUi.ContentFrame.ItemContainer:GetChildren() do
if not button:IsA("ImageButton") then continue end
if button.Name == "Legendary" or button.Name == "Mythic" then
shimes[button] =, 1.4, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, math.huge, false, 0.6)
--[[weird check]] if not button.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("ImageButton") then return end
shopEvent:FireServer(button, button:FindFirstChild("Hammer").Value)
local f = shopUi.Visible and "Play" or "Pause"
for _, shime in shimes do
I appreciate the reply. But it doesn’t really help me with my issue, do you have any idea on how I can prevent the said memory leak? Any post I can look at?
Like @Hzodx said his solution does prevent the memory leak, but to understand why it is a memory leak it’s because every time that remote event is fired you’re connecting an event to a function each time. Which uses up memory.
shopEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, button, hammerClicked) --> Manages what appears when the hammer profiles are clicked
local player = player
local profile = dataManager.Profiles[player]
if not profile then return end
local stringHammerEquip = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Equip.Hammer
local stringHammerBuy = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Buy.Hammer
if not table.find(profile.Data.Hammers, tostring(button.Hammer.Value)) and button.Hammer.Value ~= profile.Data.EquippedHammer then
local buttonType = "Buy"
stringHammerBuy.Value = hammerClicked
buttonEvent:FireClient(player, buttonType)
if button.Hammer.Value ~= profile.Data.EquippedHammer and table.find(profile.Data.Hammers, tostring(button.Hammer.Value)) then
local buttonType = "Equip"
stringHammerEquip.Value = hammerClicked
buttonEvent:FireClient(player, buttonType)
if button.Hammer.Value == profile.Data.EquippedHammer then
local buttonType = "Equipped"
buttonEvent:FireClient(player, buttonType)
I apologize if its seems a bit messy or hard to understand
Sure is messy. Would you be so kind and share where the print statement is located?
Also, yikes, You should never get anything from the ui of a player it’s just bad practice.
You also are sending strings for what the button should say. But rather, you should be sending the player’s data to them and letting the client decide what it should say
equipEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) --> Equip the hammer that the player clicked
local player = player
local profile = dataManager.Profiles[player]
if not profile then return end
local stringHammerEquip = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.Shop.ContentFrame.Equip.Hammer
local buttonType = "Equipped"
profile.Data.EquippedHammer = stringHammerEquip.Value
print("[ShopHandler]: " .. stringHammerEquip.Value .. " Has been Equipped")
buttonEvent:FireClient(player, buttonType)
equipHandler.checkValues(profile, player, player.Character)
Here is the client side action
buttonEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(buttonType, hammerClicked) --> Manages what appears when the hammer profiles are clicked
if buttonType == "Equipped" then
equipButton.Visible = false
equippedButton.Visible = true
buyButton.Visible = false
elseif buttonType == "Equip" then
equipButton.Visible = true
equippedButton.Visible = false
buyButton.Visible = false
elseif buttonType == "Buy" then
equipButton.Visible = false
equippedButton.Visible = false
buyButton.Visible = true
You are connecting a mouse button click function every time the client recieves a string.
You are making signals, inside of signals and you dont properly clean them up.
Damn, I assumed it was something like that but I couldn’t tell where. Thank you very much, would you have any advice on how I could clean it up. Sorry for asking so much.
Yeah, that’s originally what I wanted to do, however the person I’m working with created a UI that has a font that cannot be changed in the game, so I’m forced to work with multiple image buttons rather only one.
Anyway, your help is greatly appreciated I’ll probably try and remake the system based on the information you’ve given me!