Hello, so I am just going to get to the subject and I am trying to make a remote event that when trigerred by a tool it places a health ring in the center of the player and it sticks to them, and even if they move the ring still is on them and the problem is that the code prints test but does not work. Please someone help or guide me how to do this properly if its done wrong.
If “test” was printed then the remote event is working fine, your are most likely doing the math somewhat wrong. Try going step by step, firstly doing:
Weld.C0 = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
If it works and the ring is indeed welded to the player, then you can start messing with Cframe.new() and CFrame.Angles() perhaps to get to your desirable result
So long story short it didn’t work, even tho its printing test its not doing absolutely anything, and I dont know if its the math that I got wrong or other aspect.
I just noticed the Hitbox is being cloned, but not parented anywhere, perhaps that is your problem? A clone has to be parented to where you want to be, such as:
local Weapon = game.ServerStorage.M16:Clone()
Weapon.Parent = workspace
Without setting it’s parent, I think the clone’s parent is nil