Remote event invocation queue exhausted for RemoteEvent

Recently, I have recieved this error in multiple of my games in studio but there isnt any trace to where it is coming from.

Normally, this error is supposed to say something like;
Remote event invocation queue exhausted for ReplicatedStorage.Folder.AVeryCoolEvent; did you forget to implement OnServerEvent? (1 events dropped)
but instead gives me this;
Remote event invocation queue exhausted for RemoteEvent; did you forget to implement OnServerEvent? (1 events dropped)

This error will only occur if I am afk while play testing, and only shows up in the client outputs.
Leaving it error more will result in the number of events dropped to double

Not sure what could be causing this as there isnt any trace and I dont have any remote events called RemoteEvent.

I just found a way to recreate this same exact pattern. Perhaps search all and looks for something like this (an unnamed signal object created in code, especially if you’ve used any free models or used any code written by others.

local RemoteEvent ="RemoteEvent")

	RemoteEvent:FireServer("A very long string. A very long string. A very long string. A very long string.")

Conversely, server could create an unnamed remote event, parent it somewhere, while client waits for it before connecting it to some rapidly called function.

There isnt any free models or code written by others
There isnt even a script that would create events and nothing would be sending events a bunch

Is this happening solely to you, or to other players?
Could be a plugin, if you don’t have any free models in your games. That would explain why it’s happening in multiple experiences.

Just me, in studio while play testing, havent tried doing it in an actual game
Going to disable all my plugins and see if it will still occur

After further investigation, this seems to be an issue with Adonis.
From play testing with two fresh baseplates, one with and one without the Adonis Loader, with my username in the list of admins, this error occurs in only the baseplate with the Adonis Loader.

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