Hello Developers,
Im currently making a Halo Shop for my Game and I have a little problem:
I have different Buttons where you can buy different Halos and I have a Buy Button with an IntValue.
(the Buy3 is the BuyButton)
The IntValue gets changed to the Name of the selected Halo if one of these HaloButtons is clicked.
My Problem is that the IntValue which gets changed to the Halo name gets registered as 0, even if it got changed…
This is the Remote Handler which fires the Remote Events. The HaloName is the changed Value.
Local Script:
local HaloName = script.Parent.Halo.Value
local Price = script.Parent.Price.Value
if script.Parent.Text == "BUY" then
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Points.Value >= Price then
script.Parent.Text = "EQUIP"
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(128, 212, 116)
game.ReplicatedStorage.HaloEvents.BuyHalo:FireServer(HaloName, Price)
script.Parent.Text = "Not enough Points"
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(253, 90, 86)
script.Parent.Text = "BUY"
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(47, 160, 255)
elseif script.Parent.Text == "EQUIP" then
script.Parent.Text = "UNEQUIP"
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(253, 90, 86)
elseif script.Parent.Text == "UNEQUIP" then
script.Parent.Text = "EQUIP"
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(128, 212, 116)
So basically the Local Script just fires different Remote Events, it also check if the Halo is owned or not. There is also a Server Script in ServerScriptService which handles the Remotes. The Equip Remote Event basically just Equips the Selected Halo Name which was transfered by the Remote Event.
Server Script:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local EquipEvent = ReplicatedStorage.HaloEvents.EquipHalo
local Halo = ReplicatedStorage.HaloEvents.Halos
EquipEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, HaloName)
local Folder = player:WaitForChild("OwnedHalos")
local character = player.Character
local humanoid = character.Humanoid
local clone = Folder[HaloName]:Clone()
for i, v in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Accessory") then
if string.match(v.Name.lower, "Halo") then
The error here is that the transferred Value is still 0, even if it should be (in this case) Red Halo…
Error in Output:
0 is not a valid member of Folder “Players.0xzMq.OwnedHalos” - Server - HaloHandler:52
Thats because the “Value” which I use to transfer the Name of the Halo is an IntValue which the StarterValue 0.
So my problem is that this Script (Local Script):
local Buy = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGuis.BuyFrame
local HaloName = Buy.Buy3.Halo
HaloName.Value = script.Parent.Name
This is the Script which changed the IntValue to the Halo Name which should be given when clicking the Equip Button. Since this is Client Sided I think the Server just reads the Value as 0 because it got changed Client Sided. My question: Is there a way to change the Value to the Name of the Halo (so the Name of the Halo Button), that also the Server “notices” the Value change to the Halo Name?
Any help would be HIGHLY appreciated!!!