Remote Event not Firing to Client

I’m working on a trading system, which requires a lot of interaction between client and client. I read that you need to fire to the server first, and then fire to a different client, so that’s how I have it set up. It fires to the server, and then it prints “Good” which shows that the line before it worked and should have fired to a different client, but it is not picked up on the OnClientEvent.

This is the button that you press to send a trade to someone.

player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	local PlayerToSend = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.PlayerName.Text
	if PlayerToSend ~= player.Name then
		if game.Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerToSend) then

This is the one that picks up the FireServer. And yes, it does properly print the two names.

script.Parent.TradePrompt.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, PlayerToSend)
	if game.Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerToSend) then
		script.Parent.TradePrompt:FireClient(game.Players[PlayerToSend], PlayerToSend, player.Name)

And lastly, this is the one that seems to not be working. It does not print the “Connected event”

script.Parent.TradePrompt.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(player, PlayerWhoSent)
    print("Connected event")
	if game.Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerWhoSent) then
		player.PlayerGui.MainGUIs.PromptBox.Visible = true
		player.PlayerGui.MainGUIs.PromptBox.TextLabel.Text = PlayerWhoSent.." has sent you a trade!"
		local content, isready = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(PlayerWhoSent.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
		player.PlayerGui.MainGUIs.PromptBox.PlayerImage.Image = content

And before anyone points it out, Ik it can be easily exploited, but this is just a rough write up to see if the concept is there. And I have been using Test mode with me playing as 2 players if anyone was wondering.

Could you make a print to check if it returns on the 2nd code block? The one with print(“good”)

Edit: Just realized what you meant, one second.
Edit 2: I added in a print of “This failed” for the block of code with return, and it did not print that.

Can’t see what it is right now, I’ll let you know if I do lol. Someone will probably spot it before me.

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With the remote event located under the playergui, I guess it happened to be connecting to the wrong remote event, so I moved it to replicated storage and it works now. Thanks for the help anyways.


Remote events and functions should always be in ReplicatedStorage. If it is put in the StarterGui then every player will have their own different version of the event instance.

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I have been getting bugs similar where my scripting has no bugs, just the event needs to be moved around, usually for me I would have to put the event under PlayerGui instead of under Workspace.

Not sure if there are restrictions with these things. It’s possibly a Studio bug anyways.
It does say that Events need to be where both parties can see. For example: Client can not see ServerStorage.