Remote Event not firing

Sorry if this is in the wrong topic but I thought this would be the best place to put it.

I have a problem with my Remote Event which is in ReplicatedStorage called “g1”, the local script named “SearchPartyScreen” is a child of a local script in started player scripts. The receiving script is named “AddPlrTableScript” and is in the ServerScriptService.

All of my previous code works in the local script but whenever I try to fire “g1” I get nothing.

Local Script:

	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then
		if string.upper( RoomCode.TextBox.Text ) == Code4 then
			ReplicatedStorage.g1:FireServer() -- This doesn't work
			SearchPartyGui.RoomCode.Visible = false -- This works
			Clone.Join.Visible = false -- This also works
			Clone.Leave.Visible = true -- This also works
			SoundService.Incorrect:Play() -- This also works


Server script:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")




(The funny this is that whenever I try to edit other working remote events by adding a print function it doesn’t print, but the code that existed before i edited it still works).

so the remote event UpdateCloneMember works but g1 doesn"t?

If so check if your server script is even running by adding a print outside of onserverevent.

I added a print outside of Onserverevent and the script itself is running.

It doesn’t matter if the server script is running or not, as long as the event is sent, it should execute the script on receiving it. Do you have any errors in your output? Do the UpdateCloneMember and UpdateCloneOwner events fire? Try adding a print statement in the local script after the string.upper if and see if it prints

Maybe the issue is in the other remotes and they dont stop. The g1 would fire only after the others end.

Also, why does the first event has event:Fire
and not

There’s no loops in his script which will make the previous events fire multiple times

There aren’t any errors in the output.
“UpdateCloneMember” and “UpdateCloneOwner” are firing properly.
I added a print function after string.upper and it does print.

Like Googly said, there aren’t any loops that would justify g1 being limited to firing only after the other remote events are fired. This is also true because the code succeding like “SearchPartyGui.RoomCode.Visible = false” works immediately after the remote events are fired.

As for the first event, it is a bindable event that is firing for unrelated purposes.

I’m sorry for wasting your time, but I just found the reason why it appeared not to work.

I was testing the game using the play button with the pc icon next to it in the “Test” tab under “Clients and Servers”. When I used this feature a separate window for the server was opened and another for the client. When the “g1” remote event was firing, the onserverEvent function was only printing on the server window (which I didn’t realize until now).
Thank you for your time everyone!

That’s alright, no need to apologize haha
Glad you found the solution

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